Just In
for From the Ground Up

7/8/2023 c41 Patriciadiane
loved this tale of life and growth
7/8/2023 c40 Patriciadiane
love this almost-final chapter but I will miss these two
7/8/2023 c39 Patriciadiane
What fun is this celebration of Edwrd's birth?
7/8/2023 c38 Patriciadiane
Perhaps Chelsea is redeemable and going to get better at dealing with her life.
7/8/2023 c37 Patriciadiane
Edward's mother is giving sage advice. Outside entities need to mediate.
7/8/2023 c36 Patriciadiane
Knowing Chelsea she will say he hurt her. Bella is spot on with her comments and so is Edward.
7/8/2023 c35 Patriciadiane
The world according to Chelsea.
7/8/2023 c34 Patriciadiane
Why does Chelsea make things difficulty?
7/8/2023 c33 Patriciadiane
These two never make it easy for each other.
7/8/2023 c32 Patriciadiane
Chelsea is so selfish and self-centered. Could she give others a chance to have a life?
7/8/2023 c31 Patriciadiane
What an ending for sure.
7/8/2023 c30 Patriciadiane
Curious if Chelsea would be reacting to Edward not staying for dinner.
7/8/2023 c29 Patriciadiane
Vera is gone and all will change - we shall see.
7/8/2023 c28 Patriciadiane
What - how will he not know?
7/8/2023 c27 Patriciadiane
No more Chels, good way to distance and the rainbow Riley was making for her Grandma made me sad.
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