7/8/2023 c38 Patriciadiane
Perhaps Chelsea is redeemable and going to get better at dealing with her life.
Perhaps Chelsea is redeemable and going to get better at dealing with her life.
7/8/2023 c36 Patriciadiane
Knowing Chelsea she will say he hurt her. Bella is spot on with her comments and so is Edward.
Knowing Chelsea she will say he hurt her. Bella is spot on with her comments and so is Edward.
7/8/2023 c32 Patriciadiane
Chelsea is so selfish and self-centered. Could she give others a chance to have a life?
Chelsea is so selfish and self-centered. Could she give others a chance to have a life?
7/8/2023 c27 Patriciadiane
No more Chels, good way to distance and the rainbow Riley was making for her Grandma made me sad.
No more Chels, good way to distance and the rainbow Riley was making for her Grandma made me sad.