7/8/2023 c26 Patriciadiane
So I was feeling a bit better about Chelsea and that just ent down the toilet.
So I was feeling a bit better about Chelsea and that just ent down the toilet.
7/7/2023 c24 Patriciadiane
Bella is really trying hard but the situation is very hard to handle at best.
Bella is really trying hard but the situation is very hard to handle at best.
7/7/2023 c23 Patriciadiane
Wondering if Bella would ever move back. Home town tour was pretty touchy.
Wondering if Bella would ever move back. Home town tour was pretty touchy.
7/7/2023 c41 CynMar Rom
Big, gigantic awwwww.
This story had so much angst potential, but you handled it beautifully. I like that these people talk to each other and work through things instead of angsting it out alone, then misunderstandings and breaks and all that. Everyone (except Leah, that... woman) is so mature about things. It sort of gives me hope. I don't know.
Such a beautiful, wonderful, sweet romance, even with all the stuff they had to muddle through.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing!
Big, gigantic awwwww.
This story had so much angst potential, but you handled it beautifully. I like that these people talk to each other and work through things instead of angsting it out alone, then misunderstandings and breaks and all that. Everyone (except Leah, that... woman) is so mature about things. It sort of gives me hope. I don't know.
Such a beautiful, wonderful, sweet romance, even with all the stuff they had to muddle through.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing!
7/7/2023 c20 Patriciadiane
The baby conversation was too funny. Riley is a sweetheart and her observation that a daddy can't be a boyfriend was too cute.
The baby conversation was too funny. Riley is a sweetheart and her observation that a daddy can't be a boyfriend was too cute.
7/7/2023 c19 Patriciadiane
Chelsea came clean and that to me was quite unexpected. Paul needs to be taught a lesson.
Chelsea came clean and that to me was quite unexpected. Paul needs to be taught a lesson.
7/7/2023 c18 Patriciadiane
Meeting the parents - check
Discussing the wedding - check
Growing closer - check
Meeting the parents - check
Discussing the wedding - check
Growing closer - check