Just In
for From the Ground Up

1/10/2022 c1 sami69
Yes, I’m liking the older Edward vibe! Thank you. :)
1/10/2022 c1 9LaMomo
And here we go.
And yes, Edward, she was flirting with someone like YOU. duh.
Eager to know all about this Edward. And this Bella sounds like a feisty one. Amazing start my friend.
1/10/2022 c1 pbadeaux10
Love it! Can’t wait to see will they or won’t they..hehe!
1/10/2022 c1 7Hotteaforme
Edward's insecurity is kinda sad. Love that he has a daughter. And a Bella with confidence! I love it.
1/10/2022 c1 pnkats
First Jasper needs to dump Lauren and take up with Bella’s friend who I assume is Alice?
Second why is Edward always so unaware of how hot he is?!
Looking forward to more on this!
1/10/2022 c1 Freedom2604
Yeessssss! it's cool that Bella knows what she wants, that flirting with Edward uff, things are going to get very interesting (wink wink) hahaha.
Thanks Meg for this new story
I'm excited
See you next chapter :)
1/10/2022 c1 SaddieLynn
This looks good! I can't wait to read more!
1/10/2022 c1 opheliatodd
Great start! Thanks.
1/10/2022 c1 4everywheresky
Oooh, I can't wait to see where this goes!
1/10/2022 c1 2muchtrouble
You had me at word one!
1/10/2022 c1 adricastro
1/10/2022 c1 sue1zide
I don’t know what I was expecting. At first I thought he was going to hook up with Jasper so, I’m glad that Bella showed up. Edward seems a bit insecure.
1/10/2022 c1 30Rebadams7
This Edward has some depth and character he’s had to make decisions in his life and do the right thing I wonder how he ended up married to Chelsea was it I’m gonna do the right thing or I really love her either way what happens what happened to him would hurt like hell at least Chelsea seems to be a decent mother I know maybe life will give him some good things that he’s been waiting for let’s watch
1/10/2022 c1 GetOffMyChick
It’s HEREEEEEE! So excited for this one, let’s gooooooooo!
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