Just In
for From the Ground Up

7/6/2023 c13 Patriciadiane
I'm thinking the whole away for the weekend will make waves.
7/6/2023 c12 Patriciadiane
And so they meet. I'm sure that is going to irritate Chelsea
7/6/2023 c11 Patriciadiane
And so they are an item. It is going to get even more interesting with all of the dynamics going on
7/6/2023 c10 Patriciadiane
Edward needs to figure out how to do more for himself and others more effectively
7/6/2023 c9 Patriciadiane
Edward's balancing act is causing him anxiety. Wonder where this is going. He does a lot for Chelsea.
7/6/2023 c8 Patriciadiane
These two are fun and we shall see where it goes.
7/6/2023 c7 Patriciadiane
Edward is really becoming his best self. Riley's grandmother is important and I hope Vera does not give up.
7/6/2023 c6 Patriciadiane
these two are on a crazy getting to know you trip
7/6/2023 c5 Patriciadiane
Chelsea is getting on my nerves. Love the conversations between the two of them.
7/6/2023 c4 Patriciadiane
And so when does Riley come into the conversation? Curious how Bella will feel about him having a daughter.
7/6/2023 c3 Patriciadiane
Chelsea hmmm, loser
7/6/2023 c2 Patriciadiane
So...out the gates and off to the races.
7/6/2023 c1 Patriciadiane
I do believe this Edward will be fun. Can't wait to meet his little girl. Curious about Lauren and Jasper That's a match-up for ... 's friend Alice?
I'm IN
5/17/2023 c41 Fic443
People are always cheating in your fics! They need to get a handle on themselves. They need therapy.

You write really well.
4/24/2023 c41 liatb01
Loved this story. Just the right amount of love and angst
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