Just In
for Of Wizards and Superheroes

3/25/2022 c3 Le Surviver
Interesting so far but your update time could be a little faster
2/13/2022 c1 amkarb01
It’s been 25 days since you have updated what is taking so long
2/4/2022 c2 Guest1139
Please, please don't recreate the stupid and idiotic mess from the original. Do something good with it and don't screw it up by adding so many stupid cross-universe characters that make no sense!

We all want to read an actual story, not a cameo-of-the-day and look-who-he's-meeting-now chapters.
1/26/2022 c2 welcome007
More please
1/26/2022 c2 Sean Malloy-1
good update
1/26/2022 c2 Sakra95
Well looks like he is going to end up a DEO prisoner just like the original from where he will either escape or reveal his entire life story. Also I thought the story was Wizards and Kryptonians not Speedster and Kryptonians or was I mistaken. I don't understand the need to make him a speedster. Good luck with the rest of the story but I won't be following this anymore.
1/25/2022 c2 HughJasz
What's the point of using Harry Potter if you're just going to make him another speedster? This entire second chapter is deus-ex-machina personified and seems more than a bit heavy handed with making this crossover work. Why not simply let Harry discover his powers on his own rather than loredumping it to both him and the audience? That would certainly be more interesting.
1/25/2022 c2 anish38kumar
Please update more.
1/25/2022 c2 Ejbag97
Can you link any references you used for the suit design?
1/25/2022 c2 Shadowdragondanny
Can’t wait for more
1/25/2022 c2 James Birdsong
Good of course
1/25/2022 c2 3WhiteElfElder
what a crappy joke for the SF to do.
1/25/2022 c2 SamonIllmantrim
Very cool! Nice start and introduction to his abilities and his 'sponsor' so to speak. Looking forward to seeing him in action.
1/23/2022 c1 Sakra95
I hope in your version he doesn't end up in the DEO but in some remote place from where he can recover properly and establish himself.
1/21/2022 c1 Rio47
I loved it great chapter.
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