Just In
for Of Wizards and Superheroes

1/13/2022 c1 Sean Malloy-1
nice start, hoping for more
1/13/2022 c1 Azai Jin
Thanks for the chapter and pick up of this story!

Looking forward to reading more!
1/12/2022 c1 3WhiteElfElder
Even in "death" Harry had a hand in destroying Voldemort.
1/12/2022 c1 Ahfucjcb
It is interesting so far though I would suggest running it through a free grammar checker as there were several errors, nothing major of course just things to look out for.

For example you had hermione say “it’s you ‘aren’t’ it” and when voldermort spoke you wrote “her hissed”. There were a few others but those are the only two I remember.
1/11/2022 c1 anish38kumar
Please update more.
1/11/2022 c1 SamonIllmantrim
Awesome beginning!
1/10/2022 c1 Alcov
with the surprising addition of both Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. After Voldemort announced the death of Harry Potter to the assembled”” l “”defenders

Bit of a error there I think. Good luck with the adoption:D
1/10/2022 c1 iMTheStormKing
good start. can not wait for the next one
1/10/2022 c1 James Birdsong
Hooray for this first chapter
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