Just In
for Naruto: The Leveling Shinobi

2/1/2022 c3 JaimonDosFendu
Thanks for the chapter
And I found you adjusted his attitude finely enough it didn't feel cranky.
Good job !
2/1/2022 c3 TopHatWeirdo
another great chapter
1/30/2022 c2 goodboysupreme
so far so good
1/30/2022 c2 Kurokawa Uzuna
hmm maybe water? or lightning? that's the mainstream one... if u want more different i suggest earth... since sasuke is fire bc of uchiha... there's really rare naruto with earth element unless it's a crossover with one piece...
1/30/2022 c2 sensoray
I feel like water would be a good second nature, because he's an Uzumaki. If he got lightning, AND had the Sasuke's taijutsu, the Sasuke starts to become irrelevant bc eventually due to the gamer system, Naruto would become better than Sasuke in those 2 aspects. Also, if Sasuke has fire/lightning and Sakura has earth, then the team will have all 5 elements covered.
1/29/2022 c2 Damien8d
Interesting ...
2 questions tho:
Shouldn't Naruto get perks like him being a jinchuriki, a Uzumaki and his insane luck, malnourished and skills like pranking, kawarimi, sexy no jutsu and transformation?
His luck and stamina (Vit) is of the charts by the way so your chosen stats would be inacurate if you were to go with canon prior to him receiving the system.
Shikamarus and therefore Sakuras Int is too low imo.

As for pairings I would either go for (fem)Haku, Karin, (fem)Gaara and/or Hinata.
Definitly not Sakura!
You don't have to bash her but she bullied Naruto and such a relationship would never work.
1/29/2022 c2 Lamont
I'm enjoying the fic. For pairing I would think a small Harem of 3 if you go that route. Maybe Fu (the 7 tail container) Ino and Tenten. If I had to choose 1 then Tenten.
1/29/2022 c2 JRZTT1246
Pairing I preferred genfic but Hinata is fine with me, absolutely no harem and no Anko and Tsunade or any character above 20 please, felt like pedo wanna eat young children.

Nature, sure why not with gamer it's possible for him to have all

I dislike her at 1st for physically abuse Naruto but I'm neutral toward her now, but not as Naruto lover though
1/29/2022 c2 2TheWriterOfVoid
Great chapter! I hope Naruto doesn't lose too much of his personality in the process and that he can stay true to his roots. :)
1/29/2022 c1 TheWriterOfVoid
Woohoo! Another gamer fic. A guilty pleasure of mine when done well. :)
1/27/2022 c2 Guest
1/27/2022 c1 Guest
1/27/2022 c1 8ScepticalOne
Alright, I feel like the website ate my first review so I'll reiterate it here: I think you're already surpassing a lot of other Naruto fic's simply based on how in character everyone is. Most people exaggerate the more negative qualities of characters or start them out with their Shippuden versions, but everything you've written has been something I can honestly see the characters at this time doing. So kudo's for that alone.

Pairing is a tough one, I'm the type of person who's down for just about anything, so while I'm going to try and make a case for all the girls I can think of, my vote is for whatever you feel is most natural with the type of story you want to tell.
1st up, Sakura:. She's got proximity to Naruto going for her in terms of building up a romantic interest. The biggest problem is her devotion towards Sasuke, which could be used for an arc of her trying to sort out her feelings if you pick her.
2nd up, Hinata. She's probably the easiest to justify beyond them being on different teams, Hinata already has feelings for Naruto and just needs to work up the courage to ask him out, after that it's up to Naruto to realize what's going on.
3rd, Ino. Take what I said about Sakura, and remove the proximity bonus.
4th, Ten Ten. She's basically a blank slate. Thats all I can really say for her.
5th, Karin. With the Chunin exams it could be very easy for Naruto to make the same impression on her Sasuke did, which will put her in a similar camp as Hinata. The biggest hurdle after that is getting Karin in the leaf, which can be the groundwork for some political machinations.
6th Tayuya. Tayuya is probably the most difficult to justify of the gals in Narutos age range. The only thing I can really see going for her (beyond a redemption arc) is the fact she may be an Uzumaki. Tayuya being captured by the leaf and ending up as a war bride for Naruto due to clan reasons is probably the easiest way that could start.
7th Haku. Either the second most difficult girl, or most difficult boy depending on how you spin things. Regardless, Haku is probably the easiest villain to pair Naruto with since they had a fairly strong connection during their brief time together, and both can empathize with the others past.

As for people outside of Naruto's age group, I think Anko would be an interesting option. She's able to empathize with Naruto on being an outcast and bearing a cursed mark. But she's twice his age so that's a bit of a problem.
Same for about any other female I can think of, but I believe I've made my point.

Now for the chapter 2 questions:
#1 I'd be fine with Naruto getting a second element, but not if it means you'll be giving him a combination release like Ice or Blaze. I'm not fond o that trope in fanfiction, although a Gamer is probably the only path I would be willing to accept it.
#2 Sakura is wasted potential, both in the actual story of Naruto and how far too many authors write or bash her out of plot relevance. She's the only one of the rookie 9 who can give any insight into the normal life of the leaf since she's the only non-ninja clan one of them. I feel like she gets too much hate in fanfiction. As for an actual favorite in Fanfiction, I would have to say it's the Naruto in "Naruto: Strings and Theory", simply because I think that is a good edgy Naruto that's done right.

Anyways, great chapter! keep up the good work!
1/27/2022 c2 m o r e
...gimme more ;-;
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