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for Naruto: The Leveling Shinobi

7/23/2024 c26 1uchiha-rune
Great chapter, given hoe I dont know many anime, I dont have any actually good responses to the question of the day. If I were to name a few abilities from other snime, one would be reinforcement magecraft from fate/stay night; naruto in this fanfiction seems ro get into taijutsu combat quite often; reinforcement does something like closing in flaws in an object or the users body, use it on a kunai and it becomes much more durable and sharper, the main character of Fate/Stay Night can use it on himself, making his physical body go reach extremely high levels of physical prowess when compared to the average magus or human.
This would be useful for naruto as right noe, correct if me Im wrong, but Naruto is lacking skills or mobes that can increase his speed and strength, reinforcement would fix that problem, plus it could help fix any flaes that stops naruto from being able to physically handle the V2 cloak.

Like I said, I dont know many anime, I hope this suggestion can help. Great chaoter, you’re a great author, cys next time
7/23/2024 c26 uchiha-rune
Hopray, new chapter, given how I just read the first bit of the chapter, I wonder if naruto will choose a new skill on the skill tree mid invasion, using it like emergency stat points
7/23/2024 c26 12Just a Lazy Sloth Dude
Uhhhhh domain expansion?
7/23/2024 c26 Samuel2072
excellent chapter as always. but i feel you made fuu a lil too op idk. also the end of every chap could we see narutos stats its hard to always remember where he's at reading wise
7/23/2024 c26 LezarioFanficio
Hm, Wind Breathing, Aura from RWBY? Boogie Woogie?
7/23/2024 c26 1Eldaxerus
A power from another anime? Get him Epitaph from Jojo.

The ability to see the future a few seconds forward without any ability to change it.
No need to bring in Stands or anything, just that one ability. I think you could write quite a lot of drama using that "I know the future and I can't change it".
7/23/2024 c26 7D3adstarkll3r
Question of the day: Nezuko's Exploding Blood from Demon slayer or tiens Solar flaire from dragon ball
7/23/2024 c26 Ghust95
there is the rokushikii from one piece, the advance and niko style from kengan ashura, somethig like the boostedrgear from high school dxd
7/23/2024 c26 4KingSlayerAzrael
Krillin's Solar Flare would be good. Gotta counter the sharingan.
7/20/2024 c1 marquis.shax
kinda ironic an Uchiha complaining about copying considering that's all they're good for as they have absolutely NOTHING unique about them other than perhaps arrogance since while not as bad as in fanfic Sasuke and Obidara were both quite arrogant and then there's Madara himself
7/19/2024 c25 Guest
7/19/2024 c25 auraarzadon07
Dude author san how about he got choose both skills the Black flash and Camouflage no questions asked. He needs Camouflage to hide and assassinate enemies and another movement speed he was afterall level 17 right.
7/18/2024 c25 3GOAT Obito
Black Flash for sure. Also, for the ship, I think Kurotsuchi or Fuu might be good if you want someone from outside of Konoha, but I think an oc might work the best for the ship in this case. Naruto could meet them while on his trip to Uzushio and could potentially work the best here. I don't really see anyone from Konoha being a good ship ngl, since this Naruto probably wouldn't find Hinata as enticing as the one in canon, and Sakura and Ino don't really have a relationship with Naruto that could lend itself to working as a ship. I would suggest to go with an oc for this one, but if not, Kurotsuchi or Fuu for sure.
7/18/2024 c25 CosmicSpire
We all know the right choice. I actually did wonder about black flash. If Naruto's clones can proc it, couldn't he dispel it so he can begin doing it more frequently
7/18/2024 c25 NaruCrazy
Perfect henge is a perfect jutsu for a ninja. Camouflage too falls into the same category.
Black flash can be circumvented by enemies or can be substituted in some other way by Naruto. Perfect camouflage - not so much.
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