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for Naruto: The Leveling Shinobi

7/6/2024 c23 1melone71009
I like him to leave to be honest i don’t know why
7/6/2024 c23 melone71009
Finally I thought you left this story mabey im just dumb
7/5/2024 c23 Lamont
I'd like him to stay in Kohona. He should be promoted here and without being trained by Jiraya there's no reason to be taken by him to get Tsunade.
7/5/2024 c23 9Primo The Fractal Quasar
1. Naruto advancing.

2. 5k.
7/5/2024 c23 Kadessor
I really like this story. It has charm and a fun quirkyness that makes it entertaining but also deep moments and struggles for characters that give it weight and consequences.

Having him have gamer powers but still be Naruto and not insanely broken is a good mix and I absolutely love your changes when it comes to story direction and characters.

Kurotsuchi and Fu in particular and great changes and I like them both. You have a Tsundere princess and a slightly crazy overpowered girl. Their relationship with Naruto is fun I ship them lol.

Sasuke is also an interesting character because of how he interacts with Naruto and didn’t fall into the trap for power with orochimaru but is still getting stronger.

The reveal of the Akatsuiki early is an interesting change that could go several ways I like it.

As for your question personally I think Naruto leaving the village is a great idea. I always felt Naruto’s time with Jiriya was really wasted and we lost out on a really cool adventure and world building travel arc and he learned very little for being away for two years.

I think having him go off with Fu would be interesting or still with the Percy sage but we get to see him travel sbd grow as a character.

Talk no jutsu is really overpowered it’s no wonder Naruto makes friends and gets all the side characters in the anime to crush on him lol. He has charisma which is oddly missing from the stats.

Anyway I’m happy I picked this one up I look forward to more!
7/4/2024 c23 Wolf FallenSerpent
I want to see Naruto stay in the Village, and get a higher reputation with everyone. Also in chapter 17 Naruto got 2 skill tree points, one from the "who let the dogs out" quest and 1 from meeting the jinchuuriki, but didn't use them or I missed it.

Also, you should give him a chakra control skill from the skill tree. It's not super OP but will make it to where he can use more jutsu. Medical and stuff.
7/4/2024 c23 5BlackGodofDarkness
great chapter
keep up the good work
7/4/2024 c23 Guest
Love the new chapter!
7/4/2024 c23 The-odd-Weeb-out
Man this is good.
7/3/2024 c23 2FinalKingdomHearts
I look forward to the next chapter.
I thought you dropped this story.
7/3/2024 c23 MajesticMonde16
This is a pretty good and well written story. I would prefer Naruto to leave the village as it will make him mature a bit while also experiencing a bit of freedom but whatever. No matter what path he chooses, I know you'll find a way to make it work.
7/3/2024 c18 13N7 Greek-Valkyrie
ouch, idiot. shes more mad because she probably liked you. being nice and not sucking up to her for who her family is must have been nice.
7/3/2024 c23 AssiriosDM
Glad to see this back!
7/3/2024 c23 ThisIsStorm101
Leave Konoha
Only after learning whatever he can tho
7/3/2024 c23 Gouravsilentreader
Interesting story
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