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for Naruto: The Leveling Shinobi

3/22/2023 c20 NaruCrazy
1. 2011
2. Killer Bee's skillset is almost a perfect counter to Itachi tbh. Taijutsu would fail (version 2), normal Genjutsu and normal Ninjutsu would also fail as Bee is a perfect jinchurikki. Tsukuyomi and Susanoo are the only way Itachi could eke out a win against him. Amaterasu Bee can just replace those parts after transforming into his Bijuu form.
3/22/2023 c19 NaruCrazy
1. Pain arc was the most impactful in the entire series, I believe
2. Itachi... Again better shinobi, master of genjutsu - only counter to Pain.

Pain is one of the most powerful shinobi but he isn't a genius among genius like Minato, Itachi, Shisui and some other shinobi who have power and are insanely cunning as well. Unfortunately we don't have too many example of such shinobi. I would say Kakashi but he is lacking in power a bit too much that only cunning wont be enough.
3/22/2023 c18 NaruCrazy
1. Konan Itachi Kisame Deidara
2. Minato cuz he is simply a better shinobi... Hiraishin or no.
3/15/2023 c22 29Kairan1979
Glad to see Naruto defeated Rock Lee. He certainly learned something from their fight.
P.S. I think Tenten was given a short end of the stick.
3/15/2023 c21 Kairan1979
I think Naruto should learn Iron Touch.
3/12/2023 c19 Kairan1979
I think chakra chains should be a dead giveaway for Konoha shinobi.
3/12/2023 c18 Kairan1979
I thought Fuu wanted to warn Naruto about the invasion.
P.S. My favorite Akatsuki member is Kakuzu.
3/12/2023 c17 Kairan1979
I think Iron Clones are incredibly useful.
3/12/2023 c16 Kairan1979
Now Kurotsuchi has a real reason to be pissed off.
P.S. My favorite Jinchuuriki is Yugito.
3/12/2023 c15 Kairan1979
Naruto is lucky he met Fuu instead of Gaara.
3/12/2023 c14 Kairan1979
My least favorite Naruto character is Sakura.
3/12/2023 c12 Kairan1979
I'd choose Iron Skil skill.
3/12/2023 c10 Kairan1979
I hope Naruto will be smart enough to never use that henge again.
3/12/2023 c8 Kairan1979
I think Naruto should learn Water Whip jutsu.
3/12/2023 c7 Kairan1979
I hope Naruto won't pick fire. Too cliche.
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