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6/22/2022 c1 hbJnAWyvblkD6821jn
Perfect henge is broken as f!
Iron touch is good but kunai is made of iron/steel, iron is not the strongest material in Naruto-verse by far, and I don't think a iron logs/branches/sticks are any good against Lee. Though iron-touched leaves would make a subpar last-resort throwing weapon. Of course iron properties mean magnetism and conduction of electricity... lightning counters that I guess? The possibilities are pretty cool though.
6/22/2022 c21 2FinalKingdomHearts
I look forward to the next chapter.

Perfect Henge would be great for outside combat.
It is the ultimate disguise.

Iron Touch would be great for combat when not using metal weapons.
Would it work on Naruto's water jutsu?
6/22/2022 c21 2Imheretolive08
Perfect henge, only if Naru can choose the other at a layer date prob
6/22/2022 c21 Koncor the great
Perfect hinge i mean naruto's is already on another level with the fact they are solid but taking it a step further is going to be a party i both think he will see the value in it and i think that iron toch isn't going to do much against lee unless bee teachs naruto both his taijutsu style and sword style and as fun as naruto becoming a bayblade of doom sounds especially as lee is too formulaic to fight something so unpredictable let alone 50k of it i dont see it really being a good fit yet.
6/22/2022 c21 T
Good chapter, I have been enjoying this so far. Don’t think I have read any other gamer style fanfics that are done as well.
As for abilities, the perfect henge would be a million times more useful normally (especially with clones) but against Lee? I guess Iron touch would help the most.
Thanks, look forward to your next chapter.
6/21/2022 c21 Skullkingvon
henge is something naruto is very good at to the point its not even funny make it more op
6/21/2022 c21 girrr
Doesn’t he already have the perfect henge?
6/21/2022 c21 cyrix22
Perfect henge is extremely versatile. While iron touch will be able to help him in his battle with Lee. I still say, go for perfect henge.
6/21/2022 c20 1R2-Darth2
Perfect henge is perfect, great getaway move. Many applications with Shadow Clones.
6/21/2022 c21 R2-Darth2
Looks like Naruto forgot to ask Kakashi about Karin. Seems like he lost track of her there. Nice touch bringing in killer B, I hope Naruto can do a finishing move with a good oneliner.
6/21/2022 c21 2Nihatclodra
I would go with the Perfect Henge, Naruto needs more support jutsu.
6/21/2022 c21 Guest
Ooh. This is great
6/21/2022 c21 ShadowStalker3424
Definitely gonna check out the new fic! Will he at least be as fast as Lee without his weights on? Sasuke managed it in canon somehow so maybe Naruto can too
6/21/2022 c21 M.Rose
Perfect henge is too sick too pass up on.
6/21/2022 c21 jharrell819
Perfect henge. Reason henge is a full on transformation technique if he uses it with shadow clones he basically entrap the entire arena instantly especially if you come up with a way to have him learn great clone explosion. Example next time he sees Kakashi ask him for the jutsu as repayment for the Ramen. Have him confront the hokage about his godfather and ask for a look at the forbidden scroll as an apology for lying about not knowing his heritage you could also have Hiruzen admit to knowing but refuse to reveal it until he makes jonnin as to protect him.
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