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for Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja

8/19/2024 c4 mr.nobody
is this story abandoned?
2/1/2024 c4 gamingbeast001002
I really like the story along with the lemons in it (pretty damn hot ).
I can't wait for you to start writing again.
Plz do not leave this story unfinished.
I just hope there isn't more than 5 women in his harem.
Thank you for this amazing read.
1/30/2024 c4 3Lost Dingo22
Sorry to hear about your grandfather but I hope you come back soon. I like the story but I think he should have stayed a Genin and showed his talent off during the Chunin Exams.
1/19/2024 c4 Eliazar Chandra
As the once great wizard Dumbledore says: Death is just a next geat adventure.
11/6/2023 c3 WOLF-GOST
update soon
10/25/2023 c3 Black-Dragon007
Hope you plan to continue this it’s a great read, I’m also sorry about your loss last year
8/2/2023 c4 rantu1324
6/12/2023 c4 Xerxexz
I’m sorry for your lossTake all the time u need mate
6/11/2023 c1 Urahara-Kisuk3
Great story so far please continue it
5/6/2023 c4 jaytheehokage
I hope you continue this story. Good stuff
4/29/2023 c4 Guest
This is really good, hope you bring it back, I loved it
4/14/2023 c4 Guest
Hope everything is alright
4/11/2023 c4 Namikazeu
i just finish reading this and i will say its fantasic, hope your doing well though your problems and hope you return to the crash ninja in the future, it has a huge promise to be a great story
3/18/2023 c4 Rebmul
losing a grandparent is hard ive lost 2 never knew one and the other is well not a nice person so take all the time to mourn you need
3/4/2023 c4 aiman031122
while i know that you still need time to move on but i hope you will update soon because i really can't not wait to see what will happen next so has a nice day take care of your healty and stay safe update soon bye.
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