Just In
for Fairborn Adventures

23h c95 2LxZero
Must say a very good story but I can’t wrap my head around Harry making an anchor.
8/24 c91 1themadmartian
Poor Peter, picked the wrong side again. He was so desperate to find acceptance and status, first with the Mauraders the with the "girl of his dreams " who was just using him.
8/22 c37 themadmartian
I thought, as part of the signed agreement, that they were not supposed to be physically intimate until they were married.
8/15 c1 shanleydavid626
Temporal Paradox: The Second Chance of Harry Potter
Author: Perseus_Blackfyre

This is exactly the same as your story but it's over on Webnovel
8/9 c63 fs.chel01
Soo many meddlesome, old fools!
8/9 c36 fs.chel01
Why don't they use the real spell for fiendfyre? You can just google it, author.
8/1 c100 Agent Frank
I really enjoyed this story. It completely won me over and I definitely liked the ending. It's so hard for a lot of fics to stick the landing but you managed to do it.
8/1 c98 Agent Frank
The way you've handled Harry's progression in Power while also keeping his rate of growth realistic is one of the best aspect of this story. Elite final battle.
8/1 c94 Agent Frank
I think the final bit of this conversion hasn't been quite as good (as the job you did pushing Harry to this point with chapters 50-85ish) but it's a difficult job and you've done it better than most.
8/1 c85 Agent Frank
It's really incredible how much this story has improved as we've gone further and further into the story. It's interesting, if I'm being honest I wasn't a fan of the start of the story. I liked some of the ideas that shaped the premise but I did not like the execution. But I've really been enjoying 6th and especially 7th year. I think this is an incredibly realistic way to write a "Dark" Harry Potter fic. The progression is realistic and his reasoning makes just enough sense for us to still root and support him through this journey. The change is even more apparent in Marlene (she's been a good character btw).
7/30 c26 Guest
Oh my, Bella is gonna be in so much trouble.
7/31 c22 Agent Frank
I think the story has slowly gotten better over time. I really liked the premise but didn't like some aspects of the characters in the first 5-10 chapters. Characters were out of character for very specific plot convenient reasons. But I do think the story has continued to improve. I am a little confused confused about this Snape situation, Harry reflected the spell to his face? Isn't the spell deadly even when it hits the torso, should Snape have survived that?
7/22 c100 Molenir
I admit, I skipped more then half of the story. Just became more and more pointless drama, that didn't really add to the story. Truly it felt like this kept getting dragged out for little purpose. I enjoyed the beginning. And indeed up until about chapter 30, then I started skimming a bit, then later skipping. Then finally jumped to the end. Glad I didn't bother with more.

Regardless, I give credit to the huge effort this writing took. Regardless of whether or not I enjoyed the entire thing, props for writing, sharing, and finishing the story.
7/17 c30 2Isaac Young-Star
I know I'm wrong for it but I'm reading Bletchly in the classic Electro voice
7/6 c3 FlawedBauthor
Wow, this sucks lmao

Why does Harry keep gulping? Why does he keep cringing? Why does he care about this? He's taken the Peverell name, which means of course he'd have the blood since his family is a progenitor of Potter.

He's supposed to be some super powerful Unspeakable, but seeing literally anything makes him freak out. What is the point of any of this other than terribly written drama?
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