Just In
for Fairborn Adventures

4/16/2023 c2 DylanHh
Only 200 galleons what's the bloody point
4/15/2023 c29 Roadrat2292
Bust, not burst!
4/10/2023 c39 Guest
Harrys hostility makes literally no sense. None. I get a competent harry and dumbledore against voldemort would be a lot more boring, but a reason for the hostility at least wouldve been nice.

The story is still enjoyable,but its a glaring hole
4/9/2023 c3 alsdjhfgljkwebgh
This is awful, lmfao

Harry is an Unspeakable, trying to act like a Peverell.. yet he goes around acting like a child, and making sure everyone high and low knows he's a half-blood. Good premise, terrible execution.
4/9/2023 c2 alsdjhfgljkwebgh
Harry has traveled back in time, and taken the name Peverell, and with no one to deny him, he still says he's a half-blood? What brain dead nonsense.
4/9/2023 c16 Jon211107
I think Dumbledore is reading between the lines too much he is practically on a wild goose chase like he is trying to find something about a family which is very ancient and powerful and are hiding in Liechtenstein and are keeping their heads down like he is looking too much into it I’d understand if he would try to get Harry’s characteristics and all to see if he is evil or not but right now he is searching for problems about a child from a prestigious family being able to perform magic better than Dumbledore and Voldemort when he was a kid
4/4/2023 c7 Tinker Alias
Stupefy not Stupify
4/4/2023 c99 kingzero753
So overall I enjoyed the story very much. Though there are a few things I didn’t like. Harry’s dislike/mistrust of Dumbledore as well a the way DD behaved at the end. Also that Harry resorted to using Horcruxes himself.
4/4/2023 c95 kingzero753
I really enjoyed the story. But I don’t like the way the ending is going.
4/3/2023 c34 kingzero753
Interesting way to bring back the whole heir of slytherin thing.
4/3/2023 c26 kingzero753
Very much enjoying the story so far.
3/25/2023 c26 kyoshi
Great story and doesn't seem to be slowing down.
3/24/2023 c99 BillBrink
Such an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing it with us.
3/22/2023 c100 Lord Peverell-Eveningshade
Good. The story is good. Harry saves Marlene, the potters etc. all was good. But, at the end, Harry makes Horcrux to save himself for a promise. A true Peverell will never make a Horcrux! I know it's a fan fiction, still you should just rewrote that.
3/18/2023 c43 Guest
So much potential squandered….. holy fucking shit, for someone who literally already went through everything once and supposedly knew how to be Voldemort your MC is literally more focused on diddling younger girls and spouting self righteous bullshit. He goes into the world spewing “I want to spend time with my family” and yet 99% of the time he’s knees deep in simping for a minor. He knows Riddle is still around and decides to stash important crap in the Chamber. It’s almost like you as an author have absolutely no clue on what you’re doing and you’re just projecting what you want to do. Maybe I should call the FBI on you since you’re straight up fantasizing about a 25 year old in a 15 year olds body diddling a 15 year old.
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