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for Fairborn Adventures

11/3/2022 c81 aesir21
Kinky cheerleader is always fun.
11/3/2022 c80 aesir21
Famous Potter training room eh.
11/3/2022 c79 aesir21
Poor Remus. Looks like Voldemort wants to make Harry his ultimate opponent someone who is very similar to him to see who would win in the end.
11/3/2022 c78 aesir21
Haha oh Albus
11/2/2022 c77 aesir21
Peter in this case just having teenage angst full of hurts and wants. Not true betrayal but doesn’t actually realize the full aspect of his actions.
11/2/2022 c76 aesir21
Things are escalating tremendously
11/2/2022 c75 aesir21
Well there are lot of secrets in hogwarts and lots of ways to kill people discreetly
11/2/2022 c74 aesir21
Always late. Poor Marlene
11/2/2022 c73 aesir21
Albus really needs to focus his attention elsewhere. But the only thing that matters is solving the puzzle for him no matter what happens with Tom
11/2/2022 c72 aesir21
Wow thank god for the gifts of the ancestors
11/2/2022 c71 aesir21
Perfect way to take advantage of the situation to say your piece. It worked out great.
11/2/2022 c5 thatcher577
I thank you for the chapter.
11/2/2022 c4 thatcher577
I thank you for the chapter.
11/2/2022 c70 aesir21
Well he needs to be even more careful now
11/2/2022 c69 aesir21
Well their savior had come. Let’s see what Albus says now
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