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for Fairborn Adventures

2/7/2022 c3 guadamontiel18
La varita tiene que ir a su verdadero dueƱo! Me encanta
2/7/2022 c1 jhsilver123
This is pretty great, could have gone better without the needless little bit of bashing you threw out there, but otherwise, it's pretty great.
2/7/2022 c2 2maximusrexmundi
Yup! That's James lol
2/7/2022 c2 Heavenly-Cauldron
Really love it so far, even if the cliffhanger end of chapter two leaves me needing the next release, and many more after almost desperately.
2/6/2022 c1 Guest
das ist sehr gut!
2/6/2022 c1 Mori99fan
Damn a really nice chapter...looking forward to more
2/6/2022 c1 Guest
Hmm decent start.
I don't think I've ever read a Harry/Marlene pairing. for that timeline I personally like Harry/Narcissa or Harry/Regulus stories.
2/7/2022 c1 1Fallenrouz
Wow! Brilliant work
2/7/2022 c2 anish38kumar
please update more.
2/7/2022 c2 Dracul91
is it sad that to this day all of the different merlin swears still cause me to giggle?
2/6/2022 c1 2maximusrexmundi
Oooooo this is gonna be great, I can already tell
2/6/2022 c2 Vu1kan18
Merlins sweaty balls give us more good fellow give us more
2/6/2022 c2 fazalnuma81
Damn, well written and a very intresting plot, Good job mate
2/6/2022 c2 welcome007
more please
2/6/2022 c1 1jasonleric1
My guy this is very interesting concept I am loving the time travel scenario and I'm loving how you did the concept with the Deathly Hallows he did not meet death or anything like that who sent him back in time to fix mistakes but we're only two chapters so I'm interested to see where you're going to go and what's going to be your play with the hollows of this time and the hollows that Harry has
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