Just In
for Fairborn Adventures

11/1/2022 c49 elixirmaster
Dman, Harry's trash talking is so refined.
11/1/2022 c48 elixirmaster
Nice, love the liberal use of the Fidelius charm.
11/1/2022 c47 elixirmaster
Wow, the tandem ritual was so awesome. The most intimate I've seen one that wasn't a sex thing.
11/1/2022 c46 elixirmaster
Damn, Marlene is finally starting to show her promise in combat. Hopefully she's not a damsel in distress anymore.
11/1/2022 c45 elixirmaster
Nice to see the Grey Lady being positive, and she gives an endorsement :)
11/1/2022 c43 elixirmaster
I love how lethal they're promising to be. I hope that assassination is on the table.
11/1/2022 c42 elixirmaster
This Voldemort reminds me of Bane from the Dark Knight Rises.
11/1/2022 c39 elixirmaster
Idk of the animosity with Albus is necessary, I mean the headmaster was cool enough to wait until Harry was recovered to chat with him about the ritual - that's nice imo.
11/1/2022 c38 elixirmaster
Lol, this was so sweet, then Harry has to make a mistake and now he's probably on Dumbledore's radar. Hilarious.
11/1/2022 c37 elixirmaster
That lemon was excellent.
11/1/2022 c36 elixirmaster
Jeeze, Harry is already so strong, can't wait to see how he is in the next 60 chapters.
11/1/2022 c57 aesir21
Wow what are odds with to go see him. I figure it would be something along the lines of Marlene blood biding the wand like Harry did his not this.
11/1/2022 c56 aesir21
Well at least he was not killed.
11/1/2022 c55 aesir21
I am guessing Harry refused due to canon
11/1/2022 c54 aesir21
Wow that was very close. Harry could have kept mum about it until they were formally betrothed
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