Just In
for Protecting Harry

1/6 c51 1kittyranma
I can't wait to see what happens next. God please don't kill off Luna.
1/2 c51 Emeraldsanddragons
Like this story very much. Only complaint is that there are so many interesting characters that we don’t get to know well. Sal, Godric, the flamel’s. Keep up the good work
11/11/2024 c51 65notwritten
Good story. Keep smiling.:-)
11/6/2024 c51 wandamarie
keep up the great work and thank you
11/6/2024 c51 wandamarie
thank you for the story loved it so far
11/6/2024 c50 wandamarie
thank you for the story and chapter
11/6/2024 c49 wandamarie
thank you
11/6/2024 c48 wandamarie
keep up the amazing work thanks
11/6/2024 c47 wandamarie
loving the story and chapter thank you
11/6/2024 c46 wandamarie
thank you for the story so far getting good
11/6/2024 c45 wandamarie
getting good thanks
11/6/2024 c44 wandamarie
thank you
11/5/2024 c43 wandamarie
thank you
11/5/2024 c42 wandamarie
wow thank you
11/5/2024 c41 wandamarie
getting good thanks
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