Just In
for Tom The Great

6/11/2024 c1 14omega
I always wondered what Tom would achieve if he weren't so blind.
4/25/2023 c5 FAKE-ROB
good fanfic, i like it
12/12/2022 c5 TealovingSpider
Quit honestly, interesting fanfiction so far but please turn down on
the narcissism or self love/ego stroking, i get it... he is the Tom riddle, future dark lord yada yada yada, he is perfect and his image is also great yada yada...he makes perfect potions and gets magic first try... .
I get that you want to show how he is a prodigy in magic, but following the adventure of someone starting perfect with no character growth is boring to read and watch.
just look at Rey? from starwars, no character growth and is the best at anything without any training.
Again interesting start and i am certainly intrigued for the future.
11/22/2022 c5 Lazymanjones96
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
7/11/2022 c2 Brezer
this thing reads like a 3rd person monolog, rather boring
7/11/2022 c1 Brezer
computers in 1939... the education system you stated kind of made me go hmm but talking about computers now... lol
2/15/2022 c1 Coolguy001
Great start bro

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