Just In
for To Become A Hero

11/18 c4 Animeworld2.0
Hello, I hope you're doing well!

This is "Anime World" YouTube channel, where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that loves listening to them. I recently came across your story and found it so captivating that I would love to share it with my subscribers.

Channel link: Animeworldfanfic

With your permission, I would be honored to create a video of your story. I will give full credit to you as the original author in the video description and provide a link back to your original work. Additionally, I will share the video link in the comments of your story so you can see it for yourself.

I genuinely believe your story deserves to reach an even wider audience. Our channel is supported by the community, allowing us to continue spreading great stories like yours to new fans. If you have any suggestions, such as a preferred "What If" title or any other changes you'd like, I'd be more than happy to accommodate them.

Please let me know if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
Anime World
11/17 c6 Gwynx
11/17 c6 The Winnower
Let him cook
9/23 c1 2Kaby565
It feels… so much colder and detached and unenthralling than I remembered. Sorry, I’m out for now
8/30 c6 Floatyy
I don’t know if I can sympathize or even empathize even if you told me. However, I will tell you that I enjoy your story and you am happy you exist to continue telling it. If you ever stop suddenly for personal reasons, I would not mind too much because fanfic authors always do that. Either way it’s up to you to continue or stop. All in all, thanks, good luck, and hope you’re well! Great update chapter!
8/30 c6 The Winnower
We are glad you are doing better and patiently await your next chapter.
8/30 c6 Yaethe
3/17 c5 Aniq RM
Keep up the good work
2/2 c5 Snickyhero121
6/21/2023 c5 lampe.andrew1
This is pretty interesting and mixing Kiyotaka's personality with Izuku's in a way has a real nice ring to it. The two characters usually deal with extreme personalities from their respective series. I look forward to the sports festival
6/20/2023 c5 Gwynx
nice work.
1/28/2023 c4 Guest
I don’t want to read this anymore, especially if Izuku actually has to earn the “trust” of his classmates back when they never trusted him in the first place — evident by how frequently they invade his privacy and unfairly demand that they know every single little bit of his life, including what he ate for breakfast the past Wednesday. If I were Izuku, I’d feel incredibly suffocated. Izuku does not have to earn their trust back, they have to earn his trust. I am sorry to say but if it’s true that — as you said — Izuku has to earn the “trust” of his classmates back, then I’ll stop reading right here and now because I don’t want to waste time reading about a main character who will always fold and bend over backwards for his hypocritical and incredibly invasive and unfair classmates. You’re a good author though
1/28/2023 c4 Guest
Izuku’s class is a class full of hypocrites and not heroes. They’re actually disgusting. They all unfairly demand to know everything about Izuku and his life. This is a form of bullying. Iida and Asui are among the worst. Izuku has not once invaded their privacy, they should extend that same courtesy to him.
7/28/2022 c4 6Lord Shiva
" Izuku will have to earn his trust back, as well as a few classmates. Even with the evidence that argues against Izuku being a traitorous villain, his class still has people that would remain suspicious anyway."

He doesn't have to earn the trust of anyone back, it's the opposite in fact. Anyways, I see where this story is going. This one paragraph tells me that the route of this story is going to be of friendship, and always apologizing for things outside of his control or not even his fault.

"Also starting the next chapter, Izuku will be developing support items so he can try to match the power of his superpowered peers!"

I doubt that any support item will be able to stand up to the big villains or any heroes. Unless you go the sc-fi, iron man route. Which you aren't.

I'll give you props for the pairing though. That's about it. Good luck with where you're going with the story.
7/18/2022 c4 4Wintas
this is some good shiiiiiit
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