Just In
for The Guile of the Traveller

1/19 c1 astaroth671
Je viens de commencer cette histoire qui me donnais bien envie, quant je me suis rendu compte que Harry est une fille, dommage que cela n’est pas été précisé dans la description, car pour moi c’est rédhibitoire je ne peut pas ! Je suis triste maintenant
1/11 c70 Castillo16
Awesome story! Can't wait to read more!
12/28/2024 c70 7RedOuroboros
yay new chapter thanks!
12/26/2024 c70 mizzrazz72
If the parents knew what their kids were up to.
12/26/2024 c70 asjblackthorne
Yay a new chapter! It's a Christmas miracle! Thank you so much.
12/24/2024 c70 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story it's amazing your doing great work please continue the story
7/25/2024 c69 7RedOuroboros
happt to see a new chapter, tons of people moved to AO3 at least for a backup, you might think about that
7/20/2024 c69 mizzrazz72
Too much drama! Harry needs a break.
7/19/2024 c69 skotos07
Nice update!
7/15/2024 c69 asjblackthorne
Squee! I'm so excited there's a new chapter of this! This story is absolutely addictive, and when it's done I'm going to go ack and binge read the whole thing.
7/15/2024 c69 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story your doing great
5/27/2024 c66 Romily
Finally. The empousa hints and the conveniently handed over way to contain one go somewhere.
5/27/2024 c65 Romily
Gemini being taken. Am i the only one thinking dear Tom is going to be kidnapped?
Poor Harry, she is in the past only a few months and faces avalanches of stuff. At least she has good friends and family.

And in this story i think lighting up is your favorite word too :)
5/16/2024 c68 Dracomigha
Lots of love. Your health is more important than this and your other stories...but if you could keep writing I will love you forever and ever.
5/5/2024 c68 Concrete63
Thank you for coming back to this story I am really enjoying it and have just enjoyed reading it right through from the beginning again.
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