Just In
for Choosing You

1/7 c4 hourhercrevan
I am so looking forward to reading more of this! I can't wait!
12/31/2023 c4 Nargelz
Plz continue! And do more witcher fics they r so good!
12/27/2023 c4 1mayawene
Thank you
9/3/2023 c4 paso-fino
they make a perfect couple, i love it
8/31/2023 c1 2Brzzyz
I love seeing these two happy! I hope we can get a few more chapters of their love!
8/30/2023 c4 2shadewatcher
Bwahahahahahahahahahaaa! They are soo adorable together. Love this!
8/30/2023 c4 41VikingHeart13
Oh I have been waiting for this chapter for so long! And it does not disappoint! They are so lovely together my heart can’t take it! <3
This was absolutely gorgeous <3
4/14/2023 c3 paso-fino
this is so so good, please tell me there will be more chapters
1/13/2023 c3 VikingHeart13
Oh please keep going! Please, i love this so much!
1/13/2023 c2 VikingHeart13
I LOVE this! You have such flair and humour going here
1/1/2023 c3 12lance215
omg I wasn't expecting this fic to be so absolutely cute! I hope you continue it soon because I need to read all!
I love all your fics so much!
12/21/2022 c3 istane99
god, i was so freaking happy to see an update to this !
your story is good for my soul and i thank you for adding a chapter.
12/18/2022 c3 yngoldfogee
Loved this update and look forward to more when you can.
I actually re-read from the beginning and noticed something in the first chapter. When Geralt and the others are introduced to Julien's family, you mention the Count had his five children but only four are introduced and it's mentioned the prospective partners are not introduced until before dinner. (None of that is quoted from your words but general ideas of things.)
Looking forward to your next chapter, whichever story it is for.
12/18/2022 c3 2shadewatcher
Sqweeee ! Cute cute cute! Love it! Can't wait to see more of the fluffy!
10/25/2022 c2 DemeRain
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
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