Just In
for Thrown Back

5/24 c27 4Alucard
I love your other stories but please update this one.
5/23 c2 Soul Sendant
oh yeah this is that whore glorification bullshit i came across awhile ago where harry goes back in time to fuck his mom who is just a whore like any other which covers all the females in this stupid wish fulfulfillment trash written by some dumb kid whos never been with a female and prolly never will
5/23 c26 Mikeblade
the only reason harry won that fight was because Cygnus some how forgot the house he lives in has wards. that should fried harry's ass but for some reason they did not so can only assume harry sabotaged them before had.
5/18 c28 Jeran
Your story is great. There are so many back in the past stories that I wasn't sure if I should start to read it. Well, I am so happy I did. This is the best in a long time. I love that your Harry seeks help. I think he trusts too easily, tells too many people about his past. I mean Lily cannot protect her mind, she didn't know when Harry mentioned it. If the unspeakables find out, he will be in a world of trouble.
But beside this, the story is so fat paced but believeable. The dialogues are great and I like your "intervalls" with Bella and Co. I am looking forward to your next chapter.
5/18 c28 Jeran
Your story is great. There are so many back in the past stories that I wasn't sure if I should start to read it. Well, I am so happy I did. This is the best in a long time. I love that your Harry seeks help. I think he trusts too easily, tells too many people about his past. I mean Lily cannot protect her mind, she didn't know when Harry mentioned it. If the unspeakables find out, he will be in a world of trouble.
But beside this, the story is so fat paced but believeable. The dialogues are great and I like your "intervalls" with Bella and Co. I am looking forward to your next chapter.
5/16 c28 JaKeS91
Great chapter keep up the great writing and update soon
5/13 c28 Super Squashman
Great story
Eagerly awaiting more
5/10 c28 Ep
5/9 c28 yoto
bon chapitre
5/10 c28 1blcoachmac
Shouldn"t they have just killed him? He isn" t high among the DE"s.
5/10 c28 1TheGreatBubbaJ
They finally get to go on the offense eh?
5/10 c28 magitech

Typical of a politician, they find a cure and the firs thing they ask is How much will it cost.
5/10 c28 Tarik DB
Its been so long that i have no clue who all these OC's are anymore, also the whole focus on curing werewolves is kinda boring, so yeah ima stop following.
5/10 c28 DeathCrawler
nice chapter look forward the next one
5/9 c28 LordLiberty
Good chapter. I hope we get to see Lily and Bella next chapter
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