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for Harry Potter and The Art of Respawning

6/14 c1 7jh831
Going to stop following due to lack of updates, almost two years….. if you are done writing please mark as complete and abandoned.
7/31/2023 c1 omes848484
who need a shitty short story like this in their lives.
7/24/2023 c3 Naruto420
Constant Vigilance
7/23/2023 c1 Naruto420
Strory so far is very good. I like it
4/26/2023 c5 2subhogue
Got to the end of the chapter and noticed it was the last one for now. Like I said before, good story so far but some questions come to mind, for example if Harry AKs himself will he respawn, which brings the question of can you AK yourself as according to most lore, you have to really want the target dead, if he knows he'll respawn and does it for that purpose he doesn't really want himself dead. Either way if he finds a way to cause his own death how much can he exploit the hell out of that to learn?
4/26/2023 c5 subhogue
Just wanted to comment that I'm noticing some weird flip flopping between POV in this chapter, for example "Harry brought my wand up..." Otherwise, good story so far, especially since I'm usually not a fan of WBWL stories.
2/27/2023 c1 jackmylad 2
I hate story's where Harry has a twin and the twin is called the boy who lived
11/7/2022 c5 Mr.Heller
That wasn't all that interesting of an encounter. Needlessly overcomplicated I would say. The bit with Tommy was good though.
11/6/2022 c2 Mr.Heller
You just must include a South Park reference here. "They killed Harry! Bastards!" At least as an omake.
11/6/2022 c1 Mr.Heller
My only question is: will be EVER become competent enough to survive and thrive, or he'll stay useless like the re:zero dude?
10/26/2022 c5 1OffhandScribe
Good stuff so far, Harry is recognizably himself, a bit careless a bit starved for friends, but adaptable to circumstances, and not immediately all OP arrogant cool SlytherinOC. Similarly, it's nice that Charlus isn't just a Draco Malfoy in red. Be interesting to see if Hermione still forms the Gryffindor trio as per the books, or if you have her drift towards Harry or away by herself. Probably not the first option, not been cookie-cutter so far.

You're handling the dierepeatdierepeat thing well so far. Harry's not overly paranoid or disturbingly calculating... yet, though that last run with the troll shows shades of it. The Hogwarts years will be tough on him. If and when he starts to crack, hopefully Blaise Daphne and/or Tracey will believably be his friends by then and drag him back to sense.

Quirrel is always a quandary. No one wants to write a stuttering buffoon since we all know the twist of PS, Harry being cautious but not immediately going ah Voldemort after two dialogues is a fine balance.

Looking forward to more!
9/26/2022 c5 thisyourbush
This is amazing! I love reading loop stories and this one is really great. I like how he is still an innocent child trying to save others because that's what a good person does and Harry is a good person. Yet, he is learning to use his Slytherin side which I'm loving. Now, for the love interest I'm hoping for Tracey Davis since almost every Harry Potter story nowadays has Fleur/Daphne/Hermione. I feel Luna is too eccentric while Tracey is always written as a fun and adventourous person while still being cunning.
9/10/2022 c5 shyguy.Cheshire
I need more.
8/12/2022 c5 Glmo11
i though this guy an slytherin. he has no planning at all. and why is he going Gryffindor and keep saving the gryffindors?
8/10/2022 c5 Re'Lar
Is quirrel giving the points to gryffindor intentional?
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