Just In
for Along Came a Spider 2

7/20/2024 c56 tff000
7/20/2024 c56 woosh48
Wow! What a great twist with Roy being her father!
7/20/2024 c56 twilightobsesser2
Well damn a lot just happened! So #1 thanks for not splitting this chap into a bunch of smaller ones. #2 WOWOWOWOW confirmed Daddy Roy! Bella’s tendency to be overzealous on things worked out this time. I was so scared of her going head to head with Roy when she first brought it to Jason, but it was never going to be an issues anyway. Can’t wait for more!
7/20/2024 c56 2That'sMzPeachesTYVM
So many exciting things occurring in your life…CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you!
I would LOVE to see these two represented on screen, someday.
7/20/2024 c56 1laura lou who
OMG! This could turn out so very interestingly! The next chapter cant come quick enough. Im going to have to read part 1 again to get more spiderward.
7/20/2024 c56 Teamrob2
7/20/2024 c56 AnakinSmom
The news I dreaded has come to pass. Sr is her bio dad and it makes me sad.
7/20/2024 c56 74AgoodWITCH
So honored to pre-read this for you! Love all the new info and the family drama. Cannot wait to see how you wrap this up! Love you and I'm so proud of you.
7/20/2024 c55 MamaJoyof3-ObsessedMama
Ohhhh! Now that’s some food for thought!
7/15/2024 c55 Nicoconsd
I was so far behind but I am now all caught up! I had a feeling Roy had reasons for being so friendly... crazy. Can't wait for more :)
7/6/2024 c55 Amanda31183
I just wanted to let u know that I love this story and can't wait for more.
6/29/2024 c55 marigold123
Ha! The Panthers.

Edward’s games are going well. He scored a goal! Fingers crossed! DTOW! I predict there will be no sex embargo’s for any of the team!

Ugh! Jacob. Bella did good! Glad Royce was with her to witness full on Jake.

Well who will be Bella’s father? Royce Sr or his brother?

Thank you for writing.
6/29/2024 c54 marigold123
Roy seems very interested in Bella’s life. Very interested. I wonder if he’s not her bio father…those photos in Royce’s office.

Thank you for writing.
6/28/2024 c55 TheGreenPanther
6/27/2024 c55 1Azlady2003
I'm thinking roy knows and that's why he's in bellas business but at the sametime idk if roy is thatinto fam cuz Look what he did to jr and alice... speaking of alice how is edward connected or related to alice...its more than him playing on the team i just forgot how.
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