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for Along Came a Spider 2

4/20/2024 c53 Cullenosopy
Thank you!
4/20/2024 c53 15Cullen Cousin
Please tell me that Roy is NOT her bio father! Good chapter!
4/20/2024 c53 74AgoodWITCH
Love that Edward played a big part in their entrance into the playoffs. and as sad as i am about the chat with Renee, im more worried about who daddy is.
4/20/2024 c53 2That'sMzPeachesTYVM
Yep. Pretty sure we are going to discover that Sr is Bella’s sperm donor. I think he has kept tabs on her for forever…and maybe has had a bit if a tendrè for Renee throughout the years. maybe this is what keeps him at arms’ length from Victoria?
His control needs to cease, though.
Congrats to Spider for the playoffs.
4/20/2024 c53 SeptemberGirl 7
Wow…Bella’s world has been shaken….learning Charlie is not her biological father.
Bella suspected something was up, but still, it was wrong to hide this important truth from her.
All clues point to Roy Sr. being Bella’s dad…however, I wonder HOW he discovered she was his daughter. Did he keep tabs on Renee after all?!
Still several mysteries to be solved with seven chapters left.

Thanks so much…rooting for our DALLAS STARS ! And our DALLAS MAVERICKS!
Let the playoffs begin!
4/20/2024 c53 tammy0208
i feel sonsorry for Charlie. That has to hurt that she wants to find her father.
4/20/2024 c53 MsLiss
4/20/2024 c53 3Twihard-girl
Great chapter! Why do I get the feeling Roy Sr. is her father and somehow he knows...that is why there is the interest from him...can't wait to see what happens next
4/20/2024 c53 debslmac
4/20/2024 c53 ChristyWIX
Love, love, love the impromptu girl's night to watch the game. I adore DeeDee. I feel awful for Victoria, but a part of me knew this would happen. Caius was using her, but not sure for what exactly. Most likely as a means to get to Bella and Edward somehow. I do think if Bella,didn’t have things with Sam going on, things with Senior, things with her parents and her own paternity, she'd have this thing with Jake completely buttoned up by now. She's on the right track there, in how these are all connected somehow. When the paternity test showed it wasn’t Ben, he was buoyed and this was not in the plans set forth by Jake/Carlisle. If Carlisle is still even part of everything. Hell, if he’s even still alive. Angela is still pregnant, but what if it isn’t James' either? Knowing Angela, it is Jake's as she was with him earlier in the story. Good eye for Bella spotting him there in the background in Los Angeles. With only seven chapters left, I imagine answers are all forthcoming. I really don’t want Senios to be Bella's biological father, but it would fit. Him being a well dressed man and charming is not the definitive, but it fits. It would certainly explain his massive fixation on Bella, yet also explain why he never pursued her physically. I do wonder if he’s seen Renée at all on the ranch. If he knew who she was instantly. Speaking of Renée, when my husband went through chemo and radiation, they specifically advised him not to go anywhere near pregnant women during the radiation treatments. It is VERY dangerous to pregnant women. Bella visiting her mom just after her radiation treatments is scary. He was warned four weeks minimal. I’m so glad Edward and the guys are in the playoffs. Though if Bella uncovers this plot of Jake/Caius what would it mean to the team and their being there? Even though they had some other guy take out Ben? Isn’t it some form of illegal actions? Again, with only seven chapter left, the answers will be there. I want Vladdy back home. I miss him tremendously. Say Caius gets kicked out of the NHL, they cannot even get Vladdy back on the team, even if his team was out of the playoffs, as this is against league rules. Booooo. He deserves to win this right along with the Stars. Damn Senior and his jealous reactions. I think I’ve rambled enough, lol. Thank you for the wonderful chapter.
4/20/2024 c53 12Eternally Addicted
I love the time the ladies spent watching the game! I'd love to get my hands on an Edward Cullen jersey myself. LOL ANd another shutout for Edward! He has to be feeling so pumped up about it.

I feel so bad for Victoria. I think she just wants someone to love and sadly she's not picking the right men. With how Sr. meddled in Vic's relationship with Vladdy, I can't help wondering if he is involved in what happened with Caius. And if it was Jake who was seen in the photo, what role does he play? Of course there is also the fact that Caius is supposed to be abstaining for alcohol.

Then we have the big bomb. Charlie isn't Bella's biological father, and I think its safe to say we are all thinking it's Roy at this point. Not real sure how I feel about that given how Roy has behaved up to this point. And if he is, I wonder how everyone will react to the news. Its going to be a huge shock for sure.

I am so glad Renee is doing well. I hope her treatments continue to go well and she is able to regain her good health.
I am hoping the Stars go all the way and win the cup both here and in real life! I want Spider to get to hoist that cup in the air and have all the glory that goes with it. He so deserves it.

Loved the chapter so so much. It was so much fun to get to read it with Team Spider. Thanks again for the chance to do it. Only 7 more chapters. I wish it wasn't so. I am still not ready to let these guys go. Thanks for the update, I will be looking forward to the next one.
4/20/2024 c53 cctwilight
Bella's parents really should have told her about her true father. She wouldn't have loved Charlie any less.
4/20/2024 c53 mysticfighter111
I think Bella is spot-on in suspecting Jacob and Caius being responsible for Ben's injury. I'm not sure about Caius' role here, is he a pawn or is he a willing participant in Jake and the Kings' games. He knows being caught drunk can end bis carreer. As to Bella's biological father, from the setting and the description I'm afraid that Roy would fit. It would explain his unusual interest in Bella. I wonder of seeing a picture of Royce would strike a chord with Renee.
4/20/2024 c53 6Payton79
Well, it's mostly what I expected. And I'm afraid, if a name had been given for Bella's biological father, it would have been some variation of Roy. Damn.
4/20/2024 c53 Luvntwilight
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