Just In
for True Mortal

9/3/2024 c8 Guest
Ehh, pretty 'mid' so far, tbh...

The story had *some* potential, but meanders WAY too much for my liking... heck, the whole Deathclaw subplot might just as well have been forgotten about completely at this point.

Course, given the time frame since the last update, chances are this story is dead in the water; a shame, perhaps... but, maybe it's for the best.
1/10/2023 c8 Guest
Courier has a tough road ahead of her.

Freya does not deserve her or Bell, the more you take, then the more you would lose. Unless I see a redeemed Freya in Vol 18, I would like to see her fall in dirt.
12/17/2022 c1 Careem
Amazing work. Please don't stop. Please finish the story.
12/3/2022 c8 Morgan L
Nice...very, very nice! I recently started reading Dungeon ni deai fanfics and then a whole bunch of crossovers. This one is the best one, out of the around 20-40 stories ive read so far. Please keep it up!
10/12/2022 c8 Zasun
Holy shit I just binged this in one day. Keep up the amazing work!
10/5/2022 c8 MasoKnight
Sorry but passed chapter 7 has killed any and all interest i had in this story, hamfisted, forced as fuck and completely torpedoing any and all potential it had.
9/28/2022 c8 Haziq Saffari
Courier Six starts her work, hope Freya's obsession will be her downfall. Courier Six will not give her anything good.
9/30/2022 c8 1Booksavior69
I hate gods I really do and I'm very bias about that I hate when gods meddle in the affairs of men, and they intervene stopping man from advancing from their influence and force us to submit and they do it because they are bored and seek entertainment, it infuriates me. and the more reason I want the courier to blow it all up and give Orario a nuclear winter.
9/26/2022 c7 Guest
Yeah not going to lie this feels forced a fuck man. Personally I think due to the circumstances she should be pardoned, it's already enough her public image is in the shitter.
9/9/2022 c7 ReviewerPops
The start was really good. Interest just died with the final section of this though. Unless there's a workaround planned because as a reader, have zero interest in a legit 1 billion Valis slog fest for chapters on end before getting to the part most were probably the most stoked about seeing be handled. And seeing as how that part is considered the first actual step in the story maybe the second if you count the prologue as the first you can probably see why a slog fest would kill any interest.
8/27/2022 c7 Shin Amon
It's all fun and games until Six whips out the C-finder gun.
8/28/2022 c7 kaberial
yup, punishment feels force just for the plot and advancement of story.
8/28/2022 c7 Temsen
If Six caused so many problems, not having a God present for her interrogation seems dumb.
If they had, they could confirm Dix did something, and be the one to be punished.
This punishment feels quite forced.
7/17/2022 c6 Guest
I hope the kid lives. If not I'm not sure about you.
7/18/2022 c6 Booksavior69
just binged watched the story its really good I hope you keep writing more and keep Six a true mortal i don't want her join any of the families though I would like her to learn a few new tricks while in Orio

keep up the good work
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