10/24/2023 c3 Guest
I’ll be honest me personally I wouldn’t take that level of disrespect. Jkjk but seriously do you hate Eren or something because that’s the vibe I’m getting from this story
I’ll be honest me personally I wouldn’t take that level of disrespect. Jkjk but seriously do you hate Eren or something because that’s the vibe I’m getting from this story
2/19/2023 c10 Crescent cut 101
Please, please, please make eren tell reiner that he and historia are lovers.
Now reiner can know how bertholdt felt when he looses annie
Please, please, please make eren tell reiner that he and historia are lovers.
Now reiner can know how bertholdt felt when he looses annie
2/4/2023 c10
Traitor of All Traitors
You are te scum. Why no leave is you hate Eren? Fuck ** you nasty hater weird.

Traitor of All Traitors
You are te scum. Why no leave is you hate Eren? Fuck ** you nasty hater weird.
1/29/2023 c10
Well, knowing Eren that leaves three probabilities. The first is well the original plan. The second is a modified original in that he still wipes out most of mankind but lives in the end.
The third one is after Ymir's totally freed, Eren is bestowed upon the mantle of Titan. Meaning he only wipes out military targets and then turns everyone back to normal but with the curse of immortality due to now being the permanent vessel of the Titans.
The reason for this is simple, the creature, either angel, demon, or some other supernatural entity may still be out there somewhere waiting to be discovered again. Thus Eren would take it upon himself to become the new vessel to ensure Titan's outside of himself never walk the Earth again.
This would also remove any power-hungry offspring he produces.
Anyway, just my thoughts and I'd rather have quality writing over rushed hatchet jobs.
Thank you, and stay healthy.

Well, knowing Eren that leaves three probabilities. The first is well the original plan. The second is a modified original in that he still wipes out most of mankind but lives in the end.
The third one is after Ymir's totally freed, Eren is bestowed upon the mantle of Titan. Meaning he only wipes out military targets and then turns everyone back to normal but with the curse of immortality due to now being the permanent vessel of the Titans.
The reason for this is simple, the creature, either angel, demon, or some other supernatural entity may still be out there somewhere waiting to be discovered again. Thus Eren would take it upon himself to become the new vessel to ensure Titan's outside of himself never walk the Earth again.
This would also remove any power-hungry offspring he produces.
Anyway, just my thoughts and I'd rather have quality writing over rushed hatchet jobs.
Thank you, and stay healthy.
1/25/2023 c9
1The Dark Sapphire
Kinda an underwhelming reaction from the rest. Oh well.
time to get the the meat of the story now. Actually, will you even bother with the main plot or will this be romance focused?

Kinda an underwhelming reaction from the rest. Oh well.
time to get the the meat of the story now. Actually, will you even bother with the main plot or will this be romance focused?
1/25/2023 c8 The Dark Sapphire
I feel like a direct kiss should have opened up some new memories for Eren. once for the touch, once for the kiss on the hand, and one for the lips.
I feel like a direct kiss should have opened up some new memories for Eren. once for the touch, once for the kiss on the hand, and one for the lips.
1/15/2023 c9
344Traitor of All Traitors
Thanks to you and looking at Bethic Twinstinct, I finally know that the word I was looking for besides 'threesome' is 'throuple' for a relationship involving three people.

Thanks to you and looking at Bethic Twinstinct, I finally know that the word I was looking for besides 'threesome' is 'throuple' for a relationship involving three people.
1/14/2023 c9 Guest
Hey great chapter! I'm glad to see you back! I hope you get better from your pneumonia. Was it caused by COVID?
Anyways the chapter was great and I loved seeing how the whole crew reacted to Eren, Historia's, and Mikasa's engagement lol. And Sasha throwing up inside of Connie's mouth was inspired by Chainsaw man huh? Where himeno threw up inside of Denji's mouth. Nice reference. Jean is definitely jelly over Mikasa marrying Eren though. Will you write a lemon for their wedding night? Thats the big question.
Hey great chapter! I'm glad to see you back! I hope you get better from your pneumonia. Was it caused by COVID?
Anyways the chapter was great and I loved seeing how the whole crew reacted to Eren, Historia's, and Mikasa's engagement lol. And Sasha throwing up inside of Connie's mouth was inspired by Chainsaw man huh? Where himeno threw up inside of Denji's mouth. Nice reference. Jean is definitely jelly over Mikasa marrying Eren though. Will you write a lemon for their wedding night? Thats the big question.
1/14/2023 c9 Crescent cut 101
Eren going the grisha way, finally i seen a fanfiction of eren friends make a reference of grisha having two wives and as a plus jean is jealous because of this.
Now all we need is reiner getting more depress that historia is married to eren, and he will knew how bertholdt felt when armin steal annie away from him.
Eren going the grisha way, finally i seen a fanfiction of eren friends make a reference of grisha having two wives and as a plus jean is jealous because of this.
Now all we need is reiner getting more depress that historia is married to eren, and he will knew how bertholdt felt when armin steal annie away from him.
10/22/2022 c8
Okay as the other reviewer said, the fact Grisha also had two wives tho to be fair one was turned into a titan. The whole blond and dark hair thing was hilarious. Though I doubt Shadis would know that since Eren would hahaha.
Oh man yea, that was good so good. Eren being a nervous wreck the man felt as though he was about to endure an inspection from Levi actually no worse.
The way Historia took charge of the situation without even so much as an uh is darn impressive. Meaning she was planning this for some time while Eren was busy trying not to get into a deadly love triangle.
Now I can't help but imagine the look on everyone's faces. It would likely look like Eren and Mikasa only so much worse. Only with Jean passing out or getting really angry.
Though this does change a few things in regard to Eren's long-term plans. Then again with Historia Eren could start the rumbling at any time. In fact, it would be less of a hassle to go through her than it would be through Zeke.
Mass Mayhem is still likely to happen but with far greater restraint. Instead of wiping out most of mankind, Eren can simply obliterate the militaries, farms, and industrial sectors capable of making war. Millions would still die but it would still be far less than it otherwise would be.
Then Eren can free Ymir can cause one of three things to happen. One he still dies but removes the power of the titans from Earth. Two, he lives and still gets rid of the titan powers. Three, he becomes the permanent vessel of the Titan power thus ensuring that said power can never be accidentally used or discovered again.
The last one would in effect make him immortal. However, without Ymir Eren could transform himself into a two-kilometer-tall gargoyle of doom if he so wanted.
In all these cases though the fourth option is out of the question and is one Eren wouldn't stand for. Which would be to continue the cycle. The man wouldn't be able to live with himself if his friends or children had to suffer that fat.
Looking forward to more, thank you, and stay healthy.

Okay as the other reviewer said, the fact Grisha also had two wives tho to be fair one was turned into a titan. The whole blond and dark hair thing was hilarious. Though I doubt Shadis would know that since Eren would hahaha.
Oh man yea, that was good so good. Eren being a nervous wreck the man felt as though he was about to endure an inspection from Levi actually no worse.
The way Historia took charge of the situation without even so much as an uh is darn impressive. Meaning she was planning this for some time while Eren was busy trying not to get into a deadly love triangle.
Now I can't help but imagine the look on everyone's faces. It would likely look like Eren and Mikasa only so much worse. Only with Jean passing out or getting really angry.
Though this does change a few things in regard to Eren's long-term plans. Then again with Historia Eren could start the rumbling at any time. In fact, it would be less of a hassle to go through her than it would be through Zeke.
Mass Mayhem is still likely to happen but with far greater restraint. Instead of wiping out most of mankind, Eren can simply obliterate the militaries, farms, and industrial sectors capable of making war. Millions would still die but it would still be far less than it otherwise would be.
Then Eren can free Ymir can cause one of three things to happen. One he still dies but removes the power of the titans from Earth. Two, he lives and still gets rid of the titan powers. Three, he becomes the permanent vessel of the Titan power thus ensuring that said power can never be accidentally used or discovered again.
The last one would in effect make him immortal. However, without Ymir Eren could transform himself into a two-kilometer-tall gargoyle of doom if he so wanted.
In all these cases though the fourth option is out of the question and is one Eren wouldn't stand for. Which would be to continue the cycle. The man wouldn't be able to live with himself if his friends or children had to suffer that fat.
Looking forward to more, thank you, and stay healthy.
10/22/2022 c1 Guest
good chapter! ending had me shook
good chapter! ending had me shook