2/11 c44 Harry Everdeen
This story is hilarious! I love it! Keep up the fantastic work. I am so excited to see what happens next.
This story is hilarious! I love it! Keep up the fantastic work. I am so excited to see what happens next.
2/6 c44 marvel lovegood
Hey I have an interesting idea. How about Rodolphus getting the entire bay watch sieres.
Hey I have an interesting idea. How about Rodolphus getting the entire bay watch sieres.
1/30 c5 laraquick
Nagini deserves a home and a cuddly giant sock ... and pets and chin scratches and ALL the love.
Nagini deserves a home and a cuddly giant sock ... and pets and chin scratches and ALL the love.
1/29 c29 meca1956
I loved the Museum... I too have been there and somehow walked right by Dippy without seeing him! A friend said she'd meet me beside the dinosaur in the entrance hall and I said "What Dinosaur" and I haven't lived it down yet!
I loved the Museum... I too have been there and somehow walked right by Dippy without seeing him! A friend said she'd meet me beside the dinosaur in the entrance hall and I said "What Dinosaur" and I haven't lived it down yet!
1/28 c43 Rotaugur
When arrives at hogwarts, how funny would it be, that he finds a nice matchstick somewhere and is able to use it like a wand?
I mean he is able to follow Harry to his classes and to participate in them while also surprassing some of his classmates in them.
I can really see Crabby and Goyle sitting at a table in the library and Mr. Muppet showing them the correct motion for a spell that they just covered in class, while explaining to them their mistkes.
When arrives at hogwarts, how funny would it be, that he finds a nice matchstick somewhere and is able to use it like a wand?
I mean he is able to follow Harry to his classes and to participate in them while also surprassing some of his classmates in them.
I can really see Crabby and Goyle sitting at a table in the library and Mr. Muppet showing them the correct motion for a spell that they just covered in class, while explaining to them their mistkes.
1/27 c44
28Anima Reader
I can’t wait to see their reactions to the Abra's. Given their name's and how alike they are to Harry's new owl.

I can’t wait to see their reactions to the Abra's. Given their name's and how alike they are to Harry's new owl.
1/25 c44
Well, Bella's not going to be too happy when she finds out. Good thing he's going to his Daddy, so he'll be safe, and maybe bring the Diadem out of hiding. Wisemort's going to talk everyone who can hear him into madness. :} Or given it's a tiara would that be Princess Tom? Maliciuos laughter! Eagerly awaiting your next update.

Well, Bella's not going to be too happy when she finds out. Good thing he's going to his Daddy, so he'll be safe, and maybe bring the Diadem out of hiding. Wisemort's going to talk everyone who can hear him into madness. :} Or given it's a tiara would that be Princess Tom? Maliciuos laughter! Eagerly awaiting your next update.
1/22 c44 Silver Wolf
Thank god! I was getting desperate! I thought you had decided to drop the story!
Thank god! I was getting desperate! I thought you had decided to drop the story!
1/22 c12 Mopsus Sees All