Just In
for Trek Through Magical Stars

7/30 c4 11stars90
Oh I'm looooving this...
6/9 c4 11.06.1997.patricia
Its really good keep up with the hard work
11/6/2023 c4 ECTO-DMC
Iwould like to see this story continue I like it so far.
4/14/2023 c4 HairyLimey
Please please update again soon.
4/14/2023 c2 HairyLimey
I'm loving this so far great premise :-)
10/16/2022 c4 4Robotech1984
Just discovered this and am enjoying it so far, I can't wait to see Snape's reaction the first time he enters Harry's mindscape, or Harry's reaction to it. Keep up the good work.
8/13/2022 c4 Azai Jin
Thanks for the chapters so far!

I hope to read more chapters of this interesting story!
8/5/2022 c3 keht.jelicho
Loving this story. Every once in a while you come across a concept that is just new enough or just done well enough that something about it just "clicks" and you can't help but love it and count it as a measuring stick against other stories. This story is already shaping up to be one of those Measuring Stick stories to me.
6/5/2022 c4 Calebros
so this Harry is 42?
to me it sems like he acting like Bashir did in season 1 and on a sugarhigh too.
it must be quite a story about how gotb to be in command of a capital ship.
5/31/2022 c4 6Lewis James Potter
this cross over is great
5/29/2022 c4 IJustWannaReadEpicStories
every time you use the word Nope from the mouth of an alien species of the far future, I cringe terribly. that so 21st century (not to say extremely unprofessional)
5/28/2022 c4 Guest
He should buy a few Multi-Compartment Trunks, one with a MASSIVE Library and spend a fraction of his gold/inheritance on books, planets, animals. Both Magical & Mundane, bc therewas a lot of knowledge, plants, and species lost in the Eugenics Wars... Though it says on Google that the wars happened between 1992-1996, so that then and not in a hundred years.
5/28/2022 c2 Guest
What! Those Pirates plan on unrepentantly attacking, pillaging, killing, ect people for run, and she says her husband is SCARY!
5/28/2022 c4 25fvdv123
5/27/2022 c4 1Joe Lawyer
I'm not sure I like this interpretation of magic being tied to Earth and essentially not working away from it. It's a valid option, but it somewhat diminishes what it means to be a magical being.

They are in 90s era Earth right now. There is plenty of things to study on the planet and through this ships short to long range sensors.

I know Harry is married to his first officer, but discipline on Harry's ship seems rather lacking.
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