Just In
for Beneath Your Beautiful

3/12 c26 50-861-8274
That was awesome !
2/26 c26 2Fanfictionreader03
You have to finish this story! The depth you go into and incorparete canon moments from the show are amazing
1/21 c26 Wanda1988
I really enjoy this story. Very well written. Would love to read more.
12/26/2023 c26 Guest
Love this. Can't wait to read more.
12/23/2023 c25 50-861-8274
I love this story
I love them working everything out
Thank you for this story i know it was a big time investment of your heart and time!
Happy New year Merry Christmas
12/23/2023 c24 23Rori Potter
Oh my! Will this blow up their relationship? Update soon.
12/20/2023 c23 Rori Potter
Aww! Im glad they are coming together and communicating! Update soon.
11/28/2023 c22 Guest
Omg! Wow! This is fantastic. Change the names and publish it on Kindle Direct. You could make some good money off this. Add a but more romantic bits or sex, plus and ending and holy cow will it sell as a romance book. Please finish this on here too.
11/16/2023 c22 1lover11
continue please :D I need moreeeee
10/16/2023 c22 lexi
I'm in love with this story I need more chapters!
10/4/2023 c21 2numbnut1975
I read this in a whole day, absolutely amazing! I hope you finish it. you are a gifted writer.
9/9/2023 c21 23Rori Potter
Aww! Wow. Update soon.
9/8/2023 c20 Rori Potter
Woah so much has changed for them.
I’m excited to see what’s next.
6/20/2023 c18 1Radhika Joshi
Please please update the story! It’s so good and I thought it was complete when I started
5/8/2023 c18 1810tammy
I'm absolutely loving this story, would love to see the next chapter
I noticed that "safe place to hide" isn't available to read, real shame as I think your stories are fab and I've now read all the "Chenford" ones, so eager to read more if you have them
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