2/26 c26 2Fanfictionreader03
You have to finish this story! The depth you go into and incorparete canon moments from the show are amazing
You have to finish this story! The depth you go into and incorparete canon moments from the show are amazing
12/26/2023 c26 Guest
Love this. Can't wait to read more.
Love this. Can't wait to read more.
12/23/2023 c25 50-861-8274
I love this story
I love them working everything out
Thank you for this story i know it was a big time investment of your heart and time!
Happy New year Merry Christmas
I love this story
I love them working everything out
Thank you for this story i know it was a big time investment of your heart and time!
Happy New year Merry Christmas
11/28/2023 c22 Guest
Omg! Wow! This is fantastic. Change the names and publish it on Kindle Direct. You could make some good money off this. Add a but more romantic bits or sex, plus and ending and holy cow will it sell as a romance book. Please finish this on here too.
Omg! Wow! This is fantastic. Change the names and publish it on Kindle Direct. You could make some good money off this. Add a but more romantic bits or sex, plus and ending and holy cow will it sell as a romance book. Please finish this on here too.
10/16/2023 c22 lexi
I'm in love with this story I need more chapters!
I'm in love with this story I need more chapters!
10/4/2023 c21 2numbnut1975
I read this in a whole day, absolutely amazing! I hope you finish it. you are a gifted writer.
I read this in a whole day, absolutely amazing! I hope you finish it. you are a gifted writer.
6/20/2023 c18 1Radhika Joshi
Please please update the story! It’s so good and I thought it was complete when I started
Please please update the story! It’s so good and I thought it was complete when I started
5/8/2023 c18 1810tammy
I'm absolutely loving this story, would love to see the next chapter
I noticed that "safe place to hide" isn't available to read, real shame as I think your stories are fab and I've now read all the "Chenford" ones, so eager to read more if you have them
I'm absolutely loving this story, would love to see the next chapter
I noticed that "safe place to hide" isn't available to read, real shame as I think your stories are fab and I've now read all the "Chenford" ones, so eager to read more if you have them