Just In
for Lost and Found

11/27/2024 c24 2AlexDKanyon
Holy fucking shit! This finale was FENOMENAL. I cried man. It felt like I was watching a movie it was so BEAUTIFUL.

I don't know what to say

11/10 Wished you were on the Writing staff for Rift Apart
1/18/2024 c25 7Canadians Rock
I just got done reading this where I left off and my god it's a very good story
11/18/2023 c25 UltimateCCC
Wonder if they forgot something like a superweapon that guarantees to Rip You a New One.
11/17/2023 c25 3Shellshock92
still a good story and it will be a joy to see where you decide to take it next. oh Maybe Grandfather Kaden will happen in the future ;)
11/16/2023 c25 Shadic Midnight Blitzer
Loved the chapter! It was fun reading the stories!
11/15/2023 c25 Raynk
It was fun reading your fanfic, good job!
11/15/2023 c25 Infernalgriffen
Absolutely loved this. Great work
11/15/2023 c24 Raynk
Long live the fastener queen
11/15/2023 c25 14Baico
11/13/2023 c24 UltimateCCC
So does that mean the epic love confession is coming?
11/12/2023 c24 Baico
I loved it. I will patiently wait for the sequel (if there are plans to do so).
11/12/2023 c24 Infernalgriffen
This was so worth the wait. absolutely amazing job my friemd
11/12/2023 c24 3BlazerRaylock
Can't wait for the end. And of course the decision on how Rivet will integrate with the Lombaxes, knowing her luck, Ratchet is going to be there with her.

Ship them... I mean, yeah, can't wait for the epilogue. Wonder if we'll see a continuation, whenever the next major R&C comes out.
9/13/2023 c23 3Shellshock92
this was an absolute joy to read AND its going to be fun to see how Kaden contributes to the final fight. he's gotta get to do something cool.
9/10/2023 c23 Raynk
is rivet fr still not wearing any body armor? Get some plate already smh
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