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for Cross' Random Snippets

11/6 c88 Guest
Another new story, thanks for your hard work author, is it like OP hidden boss who not know his power...,
11/5 c38 Guest
So it was 'Returner Hero Become OP in Another World and remain OP in DXD World'...,
11/2 c56 Guest
Now he just pull Morgan Freeman, though I wait for new chapter...,
10/25 c88 Xareth
From what i understand this story is going to be really interesting his Isekai power is a gamer system that appears to the dxd waifus giving them quests to romance the mc to level themselves up helping them prevent a fatal future all the while no one realizes that the rewards the girls get are shared to the mc and that there are multiple players as well, although i do wonder if he can at least see the status screens that the system gives the girls also would kuroka be able to see Rias status screen and maybe since they both get quests they can get shared quests were they have to work together would be cool.
10/24 c56 KitsuneTechMage316
You know what crossedge FUCK YOU it was right at the SOOOO fucking interesting part you have to cliffhanger us!

I love your fics but FUCK YOU! and no offense but the story, the full one is a bit meh, snippet version is soooo much better_ _
10/15 c86 Guest
You should make him have contact with the garo from any onne of the animated series .
There are 3 animated series so you could choise one of them.
10/14 c88 1svenijsselsteijn
like it
10/12 c87 Kouteikuro
The way things are going, and with Salvatore having Chloe's ability to travel through time, in the end it will turn out that Salvatore is really the real Veldanova and Rimuru is the real Ciel.
10/8 c88 Anon
I can kinda understand Sona tolerating the sexual harassers because issei has a sacred gear, and a powerful one, but that fact wasn't known till later (otherwise raynare would have done her best to take it). So really the question is why? It's something really out of character for her. It could be poor writing (and an unfortunate fact that sona is kinda forgettable) but I kinda think Rias interfered. Its been a while since I hate Issei so most of my knoweldge is from fanfiction, so sadly i confuse fanon with canon, but doesn't Rias hold equal authority as Sona? And she too has shown to be rather blase about Issei's actions when she was his master. Its extremely sad cause Rias may be a nudist and doesn't understand how that can be traumatizing, or worse someone was sexually harassed and Issei reminded them of that trauma. Im not on board with 'Rias bashing' but I can understand a more devious side to her explaining some of the story (also as issei the boob obsessed idiot is the MC the narrative largely follows him and influenced by his biases).
Refreshing seeing you do something different with the gamer system. Its more enjoyable when each of your snippets vary rather than be extremely similar stories. Its just a bit sad that Sona is forgotten even in fanfictions and not really chosen as a romantic partner.
Also lol the power of love is what makes the girls so powerful. I love the idea.
10/9 c85 KingDarby22
dying will flames of the sky
10/6 c88 Guest
What was the name of the Naruto fic with the similar premise to this one, that you found hilarious? Could you please list it in the credits I would like to read it myself, please and thank you. ~Black Jeans-Wearing-Blue Jean.
10/6 c88 Guest
relationship between teacher and student, should be romantic relationship between teacher and student, again, cool though. ~Black Jeans-Wearing-Blue Jean.
10/6 c88 Black Jeans-Wear
It should be "become a wife" rather than "become the wife" as it implies there won't just be one from the term "the wife" or maybe "become Takashi Furukawa's wife" as the phrasing could mean either "the" meaning only, or "a" meaning "one of", cool chapter and premise, though. ~Black Jeans-Wearing-Blue Jean.
10/7 c88 emiya5467
Honestly, about time someone call sona out on being to lenient
10/6 c88 Raiju001
This is such and interesting reversal of roles! The in universe characters get the gamer system while the isekai'd individual is the goal! Hahaha! That does make it very interesting and let the shenanigans begin! I like the idea and am looking forward to this ones next chapter!
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