Just In
for Cross' Random Snippets

9/18 c86 Cyan-Snake
This chapter turned the MC into an idiot.
9/18 c86 InfinityMask
Just remember how absurd some of HP magic is. Haha.
Well damn. This rias get short hand huh? Haha.
9/18 c86 solitare
Well, now I want to know what's wrong with Rias. It sounds like she has an abnormally low amount of demonic energy, kind of like a less serious case of what Silas had in Isekai Restaurant. Also, it's nice that Millicas still exists, even if he's his own uncle.
9/18 c86 WOLF-GOST
i forgot this was here
9/18 c86 marek sharif
Oh yes alegría alfin uno de los dos que estaba esperando sólo falta sistema pelirrojo y seré feliz. gracias, gracias muchas gracias por el capítulo el verdad estuvo increíble me gustó mucho mil gracias y espero que la inspiración no se te acabé nunca.
9/18 c86 sortofbored
Great chapter. Looking forward to more.
9/18 c86 Kalstorm99
interesting chapter, I'm curious to see what exactly Rias's problem is.
9/18 c86 Mufalan
Nice chapter
9/18 c86 mrwinterdk
9/18 c86 Dayside
Hope you tie up worlds somewhat fast too so you don't end up with 100 worlds happening at once.
9/18 c86 thedreadfull2021
Not my fav snippet but it is still in top 5.

Have to always re-read these to remember what is going on.

SKYRIM?! That's a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig jump in power levels and dangers as a whole.
9/18 c86 gabriel.21.olisantos
Salvatore please
9/18 c86 Tribernator
Well now, thats some interesting twists and reveals with all this. Im sure our buddy ace would be more than happy to help empower rias... for a price. Also, I like the idea that both he and ajuka know the portrait reveal was a lure for a trade, but ace was relying on it proving itself to be such a good lure that he would bite anyways. Lets see how it turns out, as ajuka isnt the sort to just leap into things like this without careful thought.
9/18 c86 Reader20448
Another good chapter
9/12 c85 marek sharif
hey and the next chapter of redhead system.
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