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for Cross' Random Snippets

7/17/2022 c5 3plebston323
This one is wayyy better than sword art online in every way, love it.
7/17/2022 c5 Alimn
Ha, nobody read license agreement! Very clever, totally new. Want to read more.
By the way, Rias and most of young devils are lazy enough, interesting how do they do.
7/17/2022 c5 Dayside
Not really for me but it's a somewhat interesting concept
7/17/2022 c5 3massone22
just like the farmer Fic this story has a lot of potential to.
7/17/2022 c5 Rozio860
I loved all your snippets thus far, the farmer one is my fav though I like this new one because Venelana is going to be his partner presumably.

I have several ideas you could implement, for example research series about gamers and gaming clubs that are slice of life and then introduce them here only warped by the new circumstances that they are in.

Another idea is introduce “virus monsters” basically the outside worlds attempt at helping the people gets noticed by the game master so he transforms them into wandering raid mobs and dumps them in heavily populated areas. I had this idea because of the movie summer wars and the digimon
Movie with diaboromon
7/17/2022 c5 Guest
Dude holy shit this looks awesome! Please continue with this!
7/17/2022 c5 Guest
It's good, not farm good but that's like a one in a million so the comparison isn't really fair.
7/17/2022 c5 DTSlade
This is amazing start hope we get more.
7/17/2022 c4 Son-Of-Scorn
I desperately want this to become its own story, it’s so refreshing and unique it would be a shame to just leave it as a snippet story.
7/17/2022 c5 Deadmage 123
My ranking for the stories is:
first place: Story Two with the farm
secend place: Story three with the idee of log Horizon and Sword Art Online in the DxD verse
Third place: Story one with the system is interesting.
7/17/2022 c5 Acqua OfThe Back
Tus palabras son aceptadas, Log Horizon es mucho mejor que SAO.
Gracias por el capítulo, me gustó mucho pero es justo como dijiste, quería leer más sobre el farmer
7/17/2022 c5 Ramzawing04
I liked this story, but the farm one is my favorite! My rank this time is 2 > 3 > 1.
7/17/2022 c5 12Dragon King of the West
An MMO based snippet? I like it and the twist was something I couldn't expect.
7/17/2022 c5 LezarioFanficio
Damn, that was.. really damn good, holy shit
7/17/2022 c5 Acetroyz
Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chapter!
Is very good
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