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for Cross' Random Snippets

7/1/2022 c3 Ptwilson
Gotta be honest,i would love for this to be a full fic. Loved it <3
7/1/2022 c3 AzrelRazgriz
Mathias' story is great and deserves, in my modest opinion, to not only be continued but also its own separate thread.
7/1/2022 c3 PassingbyKitsune
I really would love to this as a full story on it own.
7/1/2022 c3 12Sultan Asil Arslan-Hiatus
This one sounds very fun and hopefully we’ll see more of it later on. Especially with the MC using a double ended spear.
7/1/2022 c3 stalkerdarkshadow
I hope this actually becomes an actual fic
7/1/2022 c3 bombbastik
I don’t care over much. Though I would definitely love to see an actual story like this. Watching the chaos caused around him while he enjoys making and creating. Along with merchant/store gamers this is one of my favorite type of gamer! Thanks for the chapter!
7/1/2022 c3 calderoneric758
I actually like this idea of create instead of kill story
7/1/2022 c3 1Alexand Morgan
Love it. It is nice to see a story using a system like the one you devised here. It looks like a promising read if it is developed
7/1/2022 c3 1Martian-Tech-Adept
This actually sounds really interesting it would be fun to see this continuing if you have the chance to.
7/1/2022 c3 Emptybreeze
Really like the idea of this chapter. Most likely because i like storys with creation powers und farming. thank for the story.
7/1/2022 c3 3elorielee
Actually, this one is probably more fun! Enjoy a longer vacation from the others, please... ;)
7/1/2022 c3 PasiveNox
ohoohhohohohoho this is nice yeah great wonderful chapter very nice very very nice so different :)
7/1/2022 c3 2BingbongBingity
Missed the old story but this one’s nice
6/29/2022 c2 MrX
Another good chapter.
I apologize for my review of your other story that came out like a flame and if it was me who caused the mess a few chapters ago; The Game Must End was supposed to be a title joke, the one about girls was my fault because the affection system makes me seem like all girls are destined to have a romantic relationship with him and all high point males will have no problem losing their girlfriends. .
6/30/2022 c2 CandyMaster
damn i like this new fic. i hope you will continue this. all your work is a top tier fic
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