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for When is a Spoon a Sword?

2/10 c2 Guest
Nicknames? Yep this story is trash
2/9 c52 Cloudspirit91
2/8 c10 Niuzu0130
Like the names
2/2 c52 BasicWhiteDude
Author, you’re super creative with this, the worldbuilding is phenomonal, the competitions are really well done, the journey is just super interesting in general; I’m super impressed.
1/29 c43 LadyDoragon
That "Unnamed (Egg)" at the start of the chapter probably should include the species like the rest does. So maybe "Unnamed (Larvesta Egg)"?
1/24 c52 Guest
Ooo! Great chapter! The idea of type energies need to be balanced are sometimes forgotten. I do have a question for Jeanne tho. Is she going to one day recreate Luminous Eterenelle when she's an Ampharos using Dazzling Gleam, Light screen, a modified magnetic flux and Electric terrain because that would be cool to see as a finisher if you manage to complete your best saber idea with Aaron reciting the noble phantasm for her! Can't wait to read more!
1/23 c1 emily.carter1410
Hi there!

While exploring fanfiction, I came across your story, When is a Spoon a Sword?, and I was completely captivated by it! Your writing is so vivid and inspiring that I couldn’t help but imagine how amazing it would look as a comic.

I’d love the chance to adapt your story into a visual format, staying true to its essence while adding a dynamic artistic touch. My commission slots are currently open, and I’m ready to dedicate my time and creativity to bringing your story to life as a comic.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, feel free to reach out! You can contact me on Discord at pixelpartner69 or on Twitter PixelPioneer.

I look forward to the possibility of working together!
1/22 c52 Yorozuya Forever
Block OPPRESSOR OF NIGGERS, you can do it by going to the tabs on the left of your fan fiction page. Click on the Account tab and under that tab will appear a secondary tab that says Block Users. From there it's pretty easy. Just make sure it's set to "By Pen Name" and then type the fan fiction name of whomever you want to block.
1/20 c52 Soraslove
Chaz is still an asshole. The last few chapters are interesting, but it feels like the story is moving a bit slowly.

Also, filler chapters aren't really fun to read. It seemed like there was on in last 5 chapters or so.
1/20 c50 Soraslove
Chaz is a true blue, cunt.
1/19 c45 Soraslove
I like how aaron doesn't think money is a big deal, yet he can't afford training supplies for himself and his pokemon. You'd think he'd be a bit more a planner and do tasks or something each city he stops by so he has extra money to buy things like tm's to support his pokemon's training?

It's not he's trying or even planning to get all 8 badges this year and then compete in the silver conference next year. I think taking it easy is fine, but at least be a bit more realistic about your journey.
1/19 c43 Soraslove
Jeanne is hilarious... and also kind of gross, lol.
1/19 c40 Soraslove
This kid has literally no sense of self preservation. Why would would he jump into the ocean to save 2 dumb kid's he doesn't know?
1/19 c36 Soraslove
I wonder if frankie is part of team aqua or something?
1/15 c16 Soraslove
Aaron's mother is quite annoying.
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