Just In
for Ghosts & Dragons

1/18 c1 2Xerzo LotCN
I hope more dragon girls join the relationship with danny even a ghist dragon girl lol
But i mean so many good dragon girls so hopefully they all are with danny
11/15/2024 c5 kr0n0s00
can you add lucoa and jazz?
9/20/2024 c1 kr0n0s00
add jazz and desrei
9/1/2024 c5 14E-LuckArcher
Too many OCs and fandoms being smashed together that this became a mess in less than 5 chapters.

My feelings about multi-cross aside, if you want to go that route and if you want to introduce OCs then at least give it time. Why the rush? why does everyone and their mother need to find out about Tohru and start introducing tons of characters like it's the end of the world? Danny Phantom has a lot of episodes, and Danny only just became a halfa so you had more than enough time to include whatever you want.

Instead, ch 2 was wasted 90% on a story, ch 3-4-5 just a mess of introducing chapters, things from other fandoms and a lot of exposition and it doesn't seem like it'll stop to allow character developments, relationship building or the story to breath.
8/28/2024 c6 7SilverExcel115
Oh jeez, this is multiple fandoms being thrown at me here, hope this doesn’t become cluttered. Anyway, I always wondered why Sam went with such a weird dietary name when “vegan” probably would have covered those same issues with a less over the top name, unless it was for attention.

If you’re wondering who to pair Sam with, well, if Danny has Tohru as a dragon-maid, then why not have Sam with Fafnir as a dragon-butler?
8/26/2024 c6 grimmangel108
interesting episode
I hope to see more soon
8/26/2024 c6 Skull Flame
- Good on Danny for finally telling his parents he's half-ghost. That's one load off of his shoulders.

- I see Mr. Lancer is cooking a plan to keep Danny out of trouble when he has to go ghost. I have to wonder about the goal of that plan though.

- Damn, Star's father had one hell of a backstory. Can't help but wonder how are his parents and his brother doing though.

- Poll is not in your profile though.
8/26/2024 c6 21Yami Luna Kitsune
pretty great chapter

glad I was correct with my guess

um, is sams's power similar to gambit, essentially using runes in addition to cards?

from what I can tell, it's incredibly close to the actual episode

sometime, though Jack means well, he's an idiot

that proves that maddie's the smart one of the two

that's odd for jack

I REALLY hope that lucoa is NOT talking about pariah

Sam, this problem is because you FORCED your 'individuality on the entire school

wow, look at that: lancer KNOWING that dash shouldn't be above the rules

who has dirt on lancer, and what is it?

Samantha, whether you like it or not, meat is VERY important

'three-and-a-half' is incomplete. it should be 'three-and-a-half feet'

time to makeup, should be "time to make up"

look at that, Jack Fenton CAN learn

shocked that HE learned what Danny is, now. not to mention, that he'll actually help Danny, like that

i'm with jazz, Maddie AND Danny about what Jack said, just chuck it back into the ghost zone

asked in atone, should be "asked in a tone"

'contact with his body using his' needs to be corrected

that that kwan wised up

hah, karma for henry's parent's came

i'm a siren star, should be "i'm a siren, star,"

check the beginning of star's question

unless the child is depraved, who WOULD watch their parents "having a roll in the hay"?

you put 'weld/welding' instead of 'wield/wielding"

the poll is not up

eager for the next chapter
8/26/2024 c6 4Major Simi
Well great chapter
8/26/2024 c6 lazy lord
hi,i'm saga1213's new account,i left my old email once i bought a new phone
6/1/2024 c5 ZeroExia
Okay I’m completely lost on Sam I originally thought her mom was poison ivy, then you came out her badass grandma has magic so now I’m thinking Raven from teen titans. As for Tucker that is simple techno paths.
5/27/2024 c5 J
Major request can illu be part of the harem
5/27/2024 c5 Specialone78
For some reason, Chris is not there
5/25/2024 c6 3SuccubusQueen100
Great Chapter!
5/24/2024 c6 8Jebest4781
Fun to see how this was done in this. Can’t wait for more when possible.
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