2/8 c24 journeyman3929
damn. I just dont have words. you took what people normally do in ME FF, gave it a slight twist, then through it the fuck out. took me 7 hours to read but it was worth it. what a gripping tale!
damn. I just dont have words. you took what people normally do in ME FF, gave it a slight twist, then through it the fuck out. took me 7 hours to read but it was worth it. what a gripping tale!
2/6 c11 Jack.13cz
the reviues are great,but as i sead im here fore the story not the mechanics byhind it,still good story
the reviues are great,but as i sead im here fore the story not the mechanics byhind it,still good story
2/5 c1 Jack.13cz
Jeasus you can talk,nothing agenst you,but im ganabe skiping some of your explanesions.
so far tho,im reading
Jeasus you can talk,nothing agenst you,but im ganabe skiping some of your explanesions.
so far tho,im reading
11/26/2024 c24
12helrio uzugaku
This fic is a work of art.
You have officially set the bar unreasonably high for Mass Effect fics and this fic is now going to be THE comparison to others. There's not even enough for me to nitpick so yeah, without a doubt this is one of the best ME fics I've ever seen that isn't a crossover.
I am of course comparing this to Harry Potter: Geth which is just a barrel full of laughs, Irony, logic and, it should go without saying, MAGIC. It's kinda hard to beat cold blooded killer Tali blowing Harry's head off during their first meeting without warning.
This fic points out everything I take issue with in the mass effect plotline and multiple fanfiction plot devices. I've read lots of fics so far, enough to know lots of people consider the SA a joke version of Humanity. This fic is no different in that regard but for good reason. After all what man would approach a giant glowing Tuning fork and go "OOOoooh shiny" then push the very obvious big red button. We're reckless but without a doubt paranoid.
The Asari are failures, no argument against it, they hard a prothean beacon on their God damned home world with a working VI and the reapers still caught them off guard. BS, I think they knew full well what was coming, they just didn't give a fuck. They were arrogant enough to believe they were enough to stop it..

This fic is a work of art.
You have officially set the bar unreasonably high for Mass Effect fics and this fic is now going to be THE comparison to others. There's not even enough for me to nitpick so yeah, without a doubt this is one of the best ME fics I've ever seen that isn't a crossover.
I am of course comparing this to Harry Potter: Geth which is just a barrel full of laughs, Irony, logic and, it should go without saying, MAGIC. It's kinda hard to beat cold blooded killer Tali blowing Harry's head off during their first meeting without warning.
This fic points out everything I take issue with in the mass effect plotline and multiple fanfiction plot devices. I've read lots of fics so far, enough to know lots of people consider the SA a joke version of Humanity. This fic is no different in that regard but for good reason. After all what man would approach a giant glowing Tuning fork and go "OOOoooh shiny" then push the very obvious big red button. We're reckless but without a doubt paranoid.
The Asari are failures, no argument against it, they hard a prothean beacon on their God damned home world with a working VI and the reapers still caught them off guard. BS, I think they knew full well what was coming, they just didn't give a fuck. They were arrogant enough to believe they were enough to stop it..
11/17/2024 c24 Guest
I hope you post more of this, I love it!
I hope you post more of this, I love it!
11/4/2024 c24 Guest
Love everything about this fic: The Story, The Action, The Science, even the Funny Reviews! This is so GOOD! 10/10!
Love everything about this fic: The Story, The Action, The Science, even the Funny Reviews! This is so GOOD! 10/10!
10/20/2024 c24 A83X1
I'm not sure if I should consider this story finished or not there hasn't been an update since February
I'm not sure if I should consider this story finished or not there hasn't been an update since February
10/11/2024 c1 Uzukaki
The majority of this reads incredibly dry, and not in a world building sense. There is a lot of "tell" instead of "show"
The majority of this reads incredibly dry, and not in a world building sense. There is a lot of "tell" instead of "show"
10/10/2024 c24
You already have nanites...
The author is sci-fi afficianodo, and a SI? Look up Deus Ex and it's sequel The Invisible War, taking place 60 yrs after Human Revolution.
Also, some form of Orbital Frames and mechs could be used because 'Inverse-Square' Law ignores Plasma Physics and other discoveries with both supermetals and field effects. Inertia is not necessary and can be removed. Armoured Core, Gundam, Front Mission even, all could be applied with his super tech lol.
Maybe the ships look like S-31 or HALO Pillar of Autumn/Infinity
Under Reserve UCC 1-308

You already have nanites...
The author is sci-fi afficianodo, and a SI? Look up Deus Ex and it's sequel The Invisible War, taking place 60 yrs after Human Revolution.
Also, some form of Orbital Frames and mechs could be used because 'Inverse-Square' Law ignores Plasma Physics and other discoveries with both supermetals and field effects. Inertia is not necessary and can be removed. Armoured Core, Gundam, Front Mission even, all could be applied with his super tech lol.
Maybe the ships look like S-31 or HALO Pillar of Autumn/Infinity
Under Reserve UCC 1-308
10/10/2024 c24 Dibblefoddle
This is amazing, I love it and can't wait to see where you take it from here. Keep being great.
This is amazing, I love it and can't wait to see where you take it from here. Keep being great.
10/8/2024 c4 Guest
This story is nothing but plot holes and ridiculously unbelievable nonsense
This story is nothing but plot holes and ridiculously unbelievable nonsense
10/8/2024 c1 Guest
This first chapter was hella boring and 90% pointless if the rest of the chapters are going to be like that it will be unreadable.
This first chapter was hella boring and 90% pointless if the rest of the chapters are going to be like that it will be unreadable.
9/27/2024 c24 Admiral0mass
What about exoneration of Williams family? I believe General Williams did nothing wrong due his duty to protect civilians and marines from orbital bombardment. He kept defending Shanix at almost three months. There's no reinforcement from alliances during that duration of time. I don't know how long to travel to Shanix from Earth or Arcturus Station. I believe politicians keep delaying, shift the blame on others and other things. Also, General's son never rise from serviceman third rank for who know how many years till his death. that's lowest rank of alliance military. I think it's power abuse and discrimination against Williams family are disgusting and distressing. General Williams should be hero to defend as long as he can.
What about exoneration of Williams family? I believe General Williams did nothing wrong due his duty to protect civilians and marines from orbital bombardment. He kept defending Shanix at almost three months. There's no reinforcement from alliances during that duration of time. I don't know how long to travel to Shanix from Earth or Arcturus Station. I believe politicians keep delaying, shift the blame on others and other things. Also, General's son never rise from serviceman third rank for who know how many years till his death. that's lowest rank of alliance military. I think it's power abuse and discrimination against Williams family are disgusting and distressing. General Williams should be hero to defend as long as he can.