Just In
for Two Minds, One Wand

10/16/2024 c77 Guest
Hmm... Making money off of copyright materials... Sounds like a good way to trouble.
10/13/2024 c77 Gregorius
I'm especially salty about this guy completely hiding his story behind a paywall, because I've really enjoyed it so far.

If I understand the facts correctly, authors are free to write about the wizarding world, provided they don't make money from it (as established by JK Rowling).

Paying for chapters in advance is nothing new (and it already stretches the "agreement") but it's good in my opinion, if you post your fanfic for free somewhere else. You're paying for the act of reading ahead, not for the fanfaction itself as far as I'm concerned.

This story is the first I've noticed blatantly breaking this rule by not providing access from a certain chapter (78 in this case).

I would be fine with this if it was an original story, as it would be fair if the author wanted to profit legally from it. In this case however, it spits on the leeway that JK Rowling gives the community for personal gains. And it's disgusting (and equally frustrating because I enjoyed this story).

Thanks for reading, and English is not my first language.
10/2/2024 c1 Sparda Aireth
I just binged my way through your whole story and now I'm off to patreon for the rest.
10/2/2024 c77 7Vasdos
Ive gotta say your making your money in the short term, but youve burned bridges for any new patrons. Doing scummy shit like hiding 30 chapters behind a paywall does nothing but make people think your a very, very, greedy man.

Even if you write something on the level of Lord of The Rings type greatness, i wont read or support simply for how scummy you are. Sorry not sorry.
8/28/2024 c16 Guest
Kemono dot su
8/28/2024 c15 Guest
Kemono (the usual dot) su
8/28/2024 c77 Guest
If anyone wants to read the rest of the story, there’s a guy who posted the rest from chapter 77 onward. The story is called Two Mind, One wand Because the author became greedy.
8/28/2024 c77 darkprince9080
If you guys want to read ahead just search and type robwilsonwriting in the search bar. You should be able to access all of this fucker patreon content including the artworks.
8/24/2024 c57 Guest
Wait Harry is in the past too. From what Sofia said what if he made a whorcrux with the queen as well. I mean he is going to make one with Alice bella and mei atleast so maybe queen and Amelia and lily too
8/24/2024 c57 Guest
Ginny was probably the one who did it wasn't shr
8/17/2024 c44 Gamma Lead
Still enjoying, but thinking on the time-thing even a bit. Wouldn't changing the fate of both mothers/fathers effectively erase current Harry Susan? I thought this earlier when Amelia first outed him, but seems odd nobody noticed (You/Hermione). If Harry's Parents live, he's unlikely to be the same boy. If they live, he's VERY unlikely to be 'the boy who lived'. In both cases, he's effectively killing his current future with his girls.

For Susan, it's much the same, especially if Amelia doesn't raise her and she no longer has the catch lines to help her, nor the knowledge to seduce her. She'd be a much different (and likely even less valued) person. A male Bones heir might be born later with parents still alive (though it may make seduction more normal).

Sadly, time travel is fraught with perils and plot holes. They don't matter if Harry wins, but the arguments never being raised is... Discomforting, in an otherwise solid story.
8/16/2024 c35 Gamma Lead
Worth mentioning, but this chapter has the biggest breaks from reality than any other.

Not to beat around the bush to start: This has been an awesome fic with fresh new ideas. It has PWP sections, and then a whole lot of interesting off-sections. Well-descripted duels (where he goes into the background of some spell he learned in Peru). So many call-backs, sometimes in odd ways (Neville of the green hand, and can only fight with deadly plant cuttings-that don't harm him?). The story is full of life, the characters have set personalities, especially shown later in the harem catfights. I love that they aren't all getting along and inexplicably in love with each other. Though I simultaneously find it off a spell made to 'control' harems... doesn't really make the harem members at least like each other. This story is a lotta love, but some hate.

The issue with this chapter: "Ohh, Daph, no panties for me?" **Can't wear panties because it stimulates the plug.

Then?: Tracy pulls down her panties. Her panties halfway down her legs. Her pulling off her panties with her foot and feeling naughty. Harry wiping himself off with her discarded panties. Schrodinger's Panties. I initially thought it was Tracy who took off her panties, because Tracy said she had none. But that doesn't explain how that works in making her see the plug. I filled in the gap with skirt, but that's not a perfect fit. Feeling naughty when your panties are already off? In a room, alone?

There are other issues. Earlier, a lot of him/her mix-ups. his shaft making me think a girl grew one for a second. Also, one time when Hannah thought about Hannah, not Susan.

All aside, this is still the freshest fic I've read since 'When a Veela Cries', so grade A, even if it misses the A (or S tier). Thank you for writing this gem.
8/16/2024 c27 2CltcBrd
The story of Helena stealing food for home, then her adoptive parents reaction to it was such a nice touch to establish her character. I know this is a smut story first, but man I am much more interested in the plot and in people's interactions and their characters that all the sex (strange as that may sound)
7/21/2024 c30 48jCOOLn
Loved the story, the detail and the interactions. Probably one of the top ten stories I’ve read on here.

I do have to ask about Harry wanting Susan as Lady Potter though. I mean she is the only child of an ancient and noble house, so wouldn’t she need to rebuild it? Wouldn’t it make more sense for Harry to be trying to get her as a third wife? Helena is in the same boat now. With Draco gone she is the last Malfoy (by blood) so she stands to inherit a noble house too.

Also the whole “I have to marry a pureblood” doesn’t really make sense when Harry’s dad married a muggleborn. Maybe I missed something like it was for political or economic reasons?

Anyways I really did love the story and this isn’t criticism, just something I was thinking about. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
7/11/2024 c1 Sadhaka
Author stopped posting for free. The story is now behind a patreon paywall. Enjoyed the story but I’ll never read the dude again. I don’t mind a paywall but when the story starts being totally behind a paywall, thats just skeevy.
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