Just In
for Valkyrie Potter: Falling Ashes

7/27/2023 c17 BioHazard82
Another good chapter.
7/25/2023 c16 5Dark Neko 7000
What will happen next time?
7/22/2023 c16 lonetigar20
Awesome can't wait for more :)
7/18/2023 c16 James1996
Great so far, I look forward to reading more in the future.
7/5/2023 c16 Guest
nice first gym battles for Garry and ash
7/6/2023 c16 Jostanos
omake: An "acquaintance" of Vali's watched her two brothers win their respective gym battles and cheered for both of them in his own version of Chun Li's 'victory pose(?)' from Street Fighter II (or anime/manga equivalent): "Ha ha ha ha ha! YATTA!" only he was neither seen nor heard by anyone nor by any Pokémon there. "How may that be possible?" you may be asking. Well...
*stage whispers* Technically he's not even there.

*ahem* In any case he enjoys witnessing what happens with Vali and her brothers, and he would like to watch/read more soon.

"Please continue when you may, BK!"
7/6/2023 c16 7hannah.kaho
Gotta love having a vacation ruined by more work right lol. Hopefully that run does get to happen, that and getting Surge to get Vali a bit of her anger out. As always great chapter! Always well thought out and such!

On another note I thought Witney was Whitney with the 'h' though, or is this a different one than what I was thinking of?
7/6/2023 c16 ShadowPhyr
so confused, how does a pigeotto have the type advantage against anything rock type? if it was the steel wing than Pikachu should have the same advantage in iron tailnot that he know how to use it yet but still )
7/5/2023 c16 famawoo
I am still rooting for Steven. his temperament and sense of responsibility are so attractive, and he's firm but gentle in a way that complements Vali. Vali needs to quit Elite Four, hopefully. Lance is so used to her being there that he takes her for granted and foists all his responsibilities on her, which is so unfair. If my 'friend' treated me like this, I would pull back on a personal level. with the way he is also treating her professionally, I would look for other employment options. I hope Vali realises it's time for her to move on.
7/5/2023 c16 BioHazard82
Another good chapter.
7/5/2023 c16 comodo50
That was a pretty neat chapter. It seems Lance took himself out of the running for asking V about feelings, romantic.
If/when Steven hears what happened from Lance?, he'll be both outraged at how stupid Lance was, and also thinking that this leaves things more open for him to ask V, unless he fucks up just like Lance did
7/5/2023 c16 dloold87
Why did Brock say Ash was trying for type advantage with a Pidgeotto, Flying is weak to Rock. Is Brock just saying shit to sound intimidating or something?
7/5/2023 c16 frankieu
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun battle's against brock
wonder how crazy idea's lance will get to make it up ?
7/4/2023 c15 2Rooster24
Loving the story so far camt wait for the next. Random question out of the depths of my depraved mind that couldn't stay hidden, being that she has a hisuian arcanine would that mean she has to be careful around balto when she goes in heat due to the instincts?
6/15/2023 c1 i have a name
Thank you for writing this story.
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