Just In
for Little Godling at Camp Half-Blood

11/9/2024 c4 Grosvenor
9/10/2024 c7 Batmanwolf738
It wouldn't be mercury cabin it is Hermes
7/26/2024 c16 1MastrDragn
A sequel the is equal, I love it. Good job! Now I' ready for the third.
6/30/2024 c12 Trainion
Is it war?
Please say it's war
6/28/2024 c8 4BUCKYBARNESGIRL2016
Yay TWD i love Daryl
6/8/2024 c16 Lianis181
How goes the third book?
I have read the first 2 multiple times and am looking forward to the third.
Please If you have the time work on it.
4/25/2024 c16 bvengeance1
I hope book 3 will come out soon. This it a great story and I and many others want to see what happens next.
4/5/2024 c16 3WhiteElfElder
So, Albus is trying to have Harry killed off...but why? I bet there are going to be some very pleased gods and goddesses that Harry killed Vernon on his own.
4/5/2024 c6 WhiteElfElder
I hope that Sandraudig is found out...and her death leaves a racial imprint in all of Asgaard.
2/26/2024 c1 Guest
I wonder what Harry's Domain will be. At the end of the last book you mentioned Chaos was getting pretty old by god standards... so maybe Chaos?

Or pull a full Prince of Oblivion and end up being both Chaos and Order.

"Hey man, you ever see food colouring mix into a laminar flow stream?" The high engineer asked.
2/11/2024 c16 Whitney1691
I can't wait to read part 3 of this story. This is a great story and I am very interested in reading the next part of it. I would be interested in reading your original work also. You are a great writer.
11/21/2023 c16 Oxytomire
Good morning,

I really like your story!
I can't wait to see the next book :)

As for Sandraudiga and Vernon... I'm glad it's over because I really didn't like them!
10/15/2023 c16 OlympusWitch12
Normally I don’t like shorter stories, but yours is pretty lit. I bet money that the minute Dumbledore tries to use the Elder Wand against Harry it backfires chaotically and the wand yeets itself into Harry’s hands, because Death has such a sweet spot for the son of Loki. I’m also willing to be Harry will have no problems going into Slytherin because he’s already established that he looks good in green
10/7/2023 c13 Extradimensional Dragon
Cancer sucks. We need to invest more time and money into eradicating it.
10/7/2023 c8 Extradimensional Dragon
It's not about bigotry... warning about female pregnancy isn't needed because it's natural... mpreg is fetish territory that most people are uncomfortable with.
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