Just In
for Harry Potter and the Stitch in Time

9/10 c60 Mauricio Cuellar
Es bueno autorización pronto
9/11 c60 tink leto
this is a fantastic story. its the first one I've read that had charlus taking care of harry. i love it. its so good. i hope you update soon and i can continue this wonderful amd fantastic story. yhank you for sharing this woth the world
9/9 c12 s.roest02
the boy who couldn't keep his mother shut...
so another boy who lived or he who shouldn't be named
9/8 c60 scpotter
I just read all your chapters in a few days ! I absolutely love your story ! Can’t wait to know what happen next !
9/7 c60 Gryffindorforever4242
Love it
9/5 c60 Fast Frank
Actually, given the rarity of parcelmouths, Parceltongue is a reasonably secure code. Nice chapter.
9/4 c60 Guest
Nice job on this new chapter, thanks for writing it.
9/5 c60 Hands Off MY Wolfie
Sirius is confusing Harry' natural urges with his own, never a smart idea.

That Horcrux really fought, quite a set-up Williams has, and it was needed.

The two thugs still don't understand that they are completely outclassed, but a few more take-downs may actually get their attention, maybe - maybe not.

Thanks for sharing.
9/5 c60 BMS
Good one
9/5 c60 wandamarie
thank you for the update
9/5 c59 wandamarie
thank you
9/5 c60 KEZZ 1
Brilliant chapter Thankyou
9/5 c60 Rebell 01
A new direction for the Horxruxs issue. Nice.
9/4 c60 fortinpatric
Merci pour le chapitre
9/4 c60 stacygrrl2002
Hope the over-powered containment wards don't preclude getting good info from tommy. Wonder if they will be able to kill it since they can't get close to it.
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