7/31/2022 c1 36SloaneDestler
This was such a cool take! It was really neat to see Erik and Christine through Meg’s eyes, good job!
This was such a cool take! It was really neat to see Erik and Christine through Meg’s eyes, good job!
7/29/2022 c1 9nibblesfan
This was so sweet! You're right that we rarely see Meg coming to terms with Erik and Christine's realtionships. In most fics she's either 100% on board from the start or they cut everyone off and start new. I loved her struggle of wanting what's best for Christine and realizing that despite Erik being an intemindating person, he is what is best for her.
This was so sweet! You're right that we rarely see Meg coming to terms with Erik and Christine's realtionships. In most fics she's either 100% on board from the start or they cut everyone off and start new. I loved her struggle of wanting what's best for Christine and realizing that despite Erik being an intemindating person, he is what is best for her.