Just In
for Everything Everywhere One Thing at a Time

1/15 c19 Guest
Fantastic story. I was kinda expecting Luna might be brought in at some point at the very least due to her being how she is in his walks.
1/15 c15 Guest
Take back my previous comment. I only remembered them being douchebags to their own who didn't follow along with their demands. Usually giving warnings to newcomers like Daniel and not just outright attacking or being vile. To a kid no less.
1/15 c14 Guest
Something tells me that monstrous scumbag will be getting away with that.

As far as I recall they aren't supposed to pull vile shit like that on a whim.
1/14 c8 Guest
Can't agree with him dropping that on him so quickly and right after he struggled to go through what was a trauma inducing event to lay that ultimatum on him.

Great chapter. Look forward to reactions of sharing that memory.

Sad there aren't more comments. Only problem I have with the story so far is the sad lack of a relationship mention. Fav is HP/HG or even the absurdly rare HP/HG/LL. No sign there will be anything or at least willingly shared.
1/5 c10 melikereading
I don’t know what happened or how we got to this point. Like, how did Dumbledore, Flamel, and Black find Osiris? I thought they were preparing for Harry’s arrival. What even led them to that situation in the first place? Then how does Gordon and his friends relate? Like what made them jump to become employed with the three mentioned in the review? There’s so much disconnect between the situation in this chapter one can say it’s just incomplete.
1/5 c19 DarkRavie
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
1/4 c19 Noeir
1/3 c18 DarkRavie
I really like your story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
1/2 c1 ThranduiI Oropherion Redux
I honestly wanted to like this story, but this is just bad. It's akin to sniffing a moldy egg casserole from the back of my fridge: a stupid waste of time for something rotten that belongs in the trash. God help you.

Now, I have hope that you can improve your writing, but that's not why I'm here. I'm sending this message on behalf of my friend (a fun, actual accomplished author, assistant site administrator and overall morally upstanding user) Nimbus Llewelyn.

Review The Phoenix and the Serpent by Nimbus Llewelyn

You don't have to read it, just give them a good review. It doesn't have to be long; some quick praise will suffice. They're trying to win a contest, and for that they need a large amount of good reviews.

If you fail to comply by not responding or worse yet, attempt to leave a negative review, I will report your account to both The Critics United as well as the other site administrators for deletion. Do not think of blocking or reporting us. I will find out and there will be consequences if you do something stupid to him.

If you troll my friend, be warned we will troll you, your fics and all of your followers. We will also place your shit fic in our other friend's community, Shit Fics That Deserve a Good Flame, so that everyone here will make fun of you. Since we don't want it to come to that, just write a short, good review for his story and we'll leave you alone.

So give my friend the good review they deserve and proceed wisely. They've been a member here since 2010. They recently had a bad year and have been through hard times. Help them out and don't be a moron. God bless.

1/2 c17 1Joe Lawyer
I’m happy that Harry is dealing with the idea of killing others in a healthy way, trying to work his way through those feelings. He’s had a lot of memories from various lives to come to terms with it. Soldiers have a lot of formal training on that matter.

In a vacuum, yeah, Sirius’ actions were ok, but before he pursued the “outlaw” he should have ensured Harry was safe and taken care of. If there was any doubt at all he shouldn’t have done it.

I’m mad too that Harry was forced to deal with the memory and experience of rape. That said, while he’s young, he’s experienced multiple lifetimes where he was a normal adult. He’d have plenty of memories of healthy and normal sexual life to understand that the rape was not a normal expression of it. But I see, partly, where the difficulty is. Rape is a terrible thing. From a narrative perspective, I understand it. From a writing perspective, I really hope it doesn’t affect the character to the point where his sexual identity and expression is irrevocably harmed by it. I have enough long-term gripes about authors of fanfiction being ready, able, and willing without a moment of hesitation, to write even the most horrific violence in their story, yet they balk like frightened kids at including normal sexuality in those stories, even when it perfectly fits inside the narrative.

Have you changed your chapter philosophy? These last few chapters were very short.
1/2 c16 Guest
Lazy writing
1/2 c17 DarkRavie
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
1/1 c16 Angeloux
Bash chapter? Really strattling the edge between introspection and just bashing canon.
1/1 c3 Guest
That was the stupidest f**king shit I've ever read. The weak ass pathetic bastard that was a rat for ten f**king years is nearly as powerful as Voldemort? F**k you for writing that shit. I was already thinking how stupid all that other shit was and then you put that shit into the story and think it's believable. It's f**king garbage. Why would you do that? Why make him so f**king powerful when it doesn't make any f**king sense whatsoever? Even in canon when Quirrell was possessed by Voldy he wasn't that f**king strong! Dropping this shit.
12/31/2024 c16 DarkRavie
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
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