Just In
for Stupid Little Game

7/25/2023 c1 CatyB
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Muchas gracias!
7/23/2023 c2 Freedom2604
Andy a billion thanks for allowing Pali to make and share the translation of your story into Spanish, it was so nice and I loved it.
We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future.
By the way it would be too much to ask for a little outtake of Edward as a daddy but of his newborn baby girl?, it would be so adorable hehehe please!
Saludos :D
7/21/2023 c2 flortran09
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Greetings from Mexico!
7/21/2023 c2 Tata XOXO
Hi! I just want to thank you for let Pali to translate thsi amazing story to spanish... is so lovely and I really feel the pain that Bella suffer, but Edward was son nice and make Bella fall in love whit him! Is amazing!
Thanks again, youre an incredible writter!
7/21/2023 c2 Gabby352
Gracias por dejar a Pali traducir
Saludos desde México.
7/21/2023 c2 saraipineda44
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Greetings from (Guatemala, Flores Petén). graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss graciasssssssssssss
7/21/2023 c1 AndreRamosHz
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Greetings!
7/20/2023 c1 tulgarita
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Greetings from Spain.
7/20/2023 c1 Angeles MC
Hi, thanks for share this beautiful story
7/20/2023 c2 NarMaVeg
Thank you very much for allowing the translation of your beautiful story! I loved reading these two enemies and in the end in love. Good wishes to you in your future projects! greetings from Mexico.
7/20/2023 c2 14Lady Grigori
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. Greetings from Mexico
7/20/2023 c1 UserName28
Hi, Andi, I've just finished reading the Spanish version of this fanfic and I wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful story and for letting Pali share it with us. We wish you the best with Enemy Mine and hope to read more of your stories in the future. ¡Saludos!
6/15/2023 c1 Chaichii
Whew, I’m glad I finished the story before you pulled it. It was really good! Congratulations, that’s exciting!
6/2/2023 c2 pipelynn
Great ending! I had not heard of kindle Vella. Will you keep story name?
5/31/2023 c2 1Ballerina91
Gah! what just happened!
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