Just In
for The governess of my heart

2/9 c57 jessie8420
I love this story. By the way, would you consider to write "a sequel to 'forced before it began'"?
2/8 c57 Kary Bobbins
Thanks for the story, I loved it.
2/7 c57 Wyndwhyspyr
I’m so happy for them.
2/3 c57 Colleen S
Lovely story! Thank you!
2/3 c56 Colleen S
That was a sweet chapter!
1/29 c57 TiaMaria710
Bravo! Thank you for an enjoyable story. I’m really truly appreciative.
1/26 c57 3Rhaye5
I scanned most of the story

You have a really big plot hole, sending money doesn’t end a marriage, the man would have to request a divorce otherwise it’s consider bigamy, and if Elizabeth father recognizes her as his legal daughter, it means his second marriage and the chil(ren) from that marriage are invalid and are now illegitimate and he would be excommunicated.

So her father was super stupid of the laws…and being a peer…it makes this whole story implausible but if you ignore that big plot hole…the story is ok.
1/23 c30 Guest
Ah now I understand. That is Elizabeth's game plan, to make Darcy hate her so he would be safe. Noble plan but stupid.
1/23 c25 Guest
I think this Chapter 25 is when I start disliking this Elizabeth you have written, dear author. She is incredibly harsh towards Darcy, no intent at all to understand him. She is very closed-minded. I liked her strength of character before this, but now she is just stupid and obstinate. I will read on to see if she changes, that her behavior in this chapter is an abberation.
1/23 c57 Saralee
Thank you for this story, very enjoyable. I’ll be waiting for your next one!
1/21 c57 7KurukiXV
Can’t believe this work of art is finished! I really enjoyed following along and reading the characters developments. Thank you so much for sharing it with us here!
1/21 c57 Amexshell
Loved this story well done
1/20 c57 Levenez
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. Ehat a tale and impressive couple!
1/20 c57 Mary Moloney
I have recently discovered this story and was able to read the whole together apart from the last few chapters. It was great to read most of it without waiting for updates. Many thanks - it was a great read.
1/19 c57 Guest
Thank you I enjoyed your story.
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