Just In
for Merry Birthday Ranger Hood

5/26 c1 TLP2
Lol! THANK YOU THANK YOU! Your story is hilarious and so sweet! I love this.
4/25 c1 Guest
DW-Absolutely hilarious story. I would love to read the sequel, should you decide to write one. Lester is a hoot!
12/16/2023 c1 Tibethecat
Oh my goodness! That was a sweet, hilarious story!
Loved it !

Thank you! Becky
11/26/2023 c1 Diane Williams
Hahaha...Lester never learns!
10/23/2023 c1 Guest
No point in loser Morelli being there with his sister
9/5/2023 c1 Guest
2/22/2023 c1 RangeBabeIN
This is so cute. I love Lester! Thanks for sharing.
2/11/2023 c1 Kjh55
This is too funny. Is the next story Operation Stork Claus?
1/18/2023 c1 2Pepja98
So sweet. Loved how they one-upped the men. The next operation sounds like fun too! Well done!
11/18/2022 c1 5guatedina
Did the Crusades happen in Miami... If we end up in a 'Stan with only a toothpick...
Just Brilliant writing!
10/22/2022 c1 30Mumofpicklegirls
Hahaha! Silly Lester ;-)
10/17/2022 c1 deviates322
oh my gosh, Les! he's trouble. lol
9/5/2022 c1 16alate
Loved it - thanks for sharing!
9/2/2022 c1 an00626
Lester, Lester, Lester...nuff said
8/24/2022 c1 Sonia Hdz Q
He didn't learn anything... hehe
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