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for Marvel: Path Forward

1/8 c26 LongWang
Well i domt really think that averege american family know how japanese prince looks like when it is something like 1980s
12/25/2024 c22 Mulenga Mumba
This is one of the pitfalls when you try to make charatcer that isn’t a straight up villain that brainwashes people. No matter how well you treat them afterwards, they are essentially just slaves.
11/6/2024 c2 dybre23
i thought kaihito was the elder and he was the youngest nasomethinghito
8/31/2024 c61 donvictor1.vd
Hello and good evening. This book is one of my favourite Marvel fanfic stories. Thank you for writing. It has been a very long time since the last update, I am curious if there is any hope of a continuation, what with how big the MCU alone has grown as added inspiration asling with the comics.
Thank you again hope to hear from you.
7/19/2024 c61 Rainmaker31115
so does this guy have Patreon or something i want to know ?
7/15/2024 c61 godlikenaruto95
Please update this story. Its by far on eof the best fics on the site and I am chomping at the bt here.
6/16/2024 c61 Gill
Great story keep writing
6/17/2024 c61 beaudylanandrews
This is by far one of my favorite fanfics I’ve come across, I do hope you update it. please continue.
5/28/2024 c1 Rob
Great story, can’t wait for you to continue.

A Story
4/21/2024 c32 VamPyr00
Was that Madelyne Pryor girl Jean Grey or the clone that what's-his-face made using Jean's unawakened DNA? Hopefully that will be cleared up soon...
4/20/2024 c25 VamPyr00
I'm glad he finally hooked up with someone! Being surrounded by all these hotties and having no apparent sex drive, I was starting to think he was either homo or asexual. Hopefully next time it won't happen in a FLASHBACK, but I still found the situation ineresting.
4/20/2024 c20 VamPyr00
I get that he doesn't want to 'settle down' right now, but not even dating? I mean...he's technically still a virgin, right? I would think, even with his enhanced brain, an older mentality like his own would crave such physical interactions.
4/20/2024 c19 VamPyr00
So...I don't mean to nitpick but I believe he said that Cypher's clone would be ready for 'use' within 2 and a half weeks — that was the last it was mentioned. After that, 2 months has passed and he hasn't mentioned it at all. Is he going to gain Cypher's power too? XD
4/20/2024 c18 VamPyr00
The whole section about the 'God Blood', 'Priest's Blood', and 'Believer's Blood' needs to just be omitted completely. It's a mess gramatically and you've also over-complicated the explanation in the extreme.

Better to just say something like: "I created a catalyst — which I named 'God's Blood' — to jumpstart the 'awakening' and 'refinement' of my bloodline. It was made from various samples of blood from individuals with strong supernatural ancestry or simply high magical affinity." All the other explanations you made (along with numerous name drops mid-sentence) were just unnecessary.
3/17/2024 c53 Just a guest
I’m wondering later on down the line if several members of the X-men will be joining Prince Kai academy among other things.
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