Just In
for No Strings On Me

1/17 c17 M4DHUTO5
I don't usually comment in these parts but I want to thank you, your stories have helped me get out of dark places in my life and even now they continue to entertain me I only have thanks to Neon and they help him write, keep up the good work
1/8 c17 scody1239
More chapters, please.I wish to see where this story will go
1/8 c1 2LilMate
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter
1/7 c16 Magicthunder1
dammnit I really wanted to know what was gonna happen, cliffhangers really are the worst.

thanks for the chapter I really liked it, and I can't wait to read what's gonna happen next
1/6 c13 Magicthunder1
I liked the speech,and to be honest CariaLiurnia have some of the coolest lore, and I'm intreasted to see what a kingdom under Rennala would be like.
1/4 c1 Magicthunder1
awwwwww that's cute, I wonder why Marika based her aspect upon the finger maiden Melina.
12/18/2024 c17 22jward
more please
12/15/2024 c17 Guest
Oooooh boy. Naruto is pissed. Not to mention what's gonna happen when he hears his girls were in danger...
12/9/2024 c17 Guest
10/10 chapter couldnt be more pleased
12/10/2024 c17 5Razgriz0x
Loving this. More please?
12/7/2024 c17 Guest
Awesome chapter thank you for writing
12/7/2024 c17 Guest
Awesome chapter thank you
12/7/2024 c17 qalleesyawesome
woah that was a lot! love sir ansbach! amazing chapter! thanks for writing! excited for the next one
12/6/2024 c17 cementCANOE
I always enjoy this story!
12/5/2024 c17 Yuki
Oops ansbach had babified the rot sisters. So who is going to take responsibilty for them.

It really a foreshowing of the shadow realms, so are they going to save mesmer from his dark fate and put the golden little shit in his place. Will naruto also save radhn and gherman or he will still be in limbo?

Lol after all the fighting they didnt get his name.

Take care and take it easy. As you mentioned that its a hobby.
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